Take Note of the Lights It is one of the most imp factor you should take care off. Bad light can easily kill a picture. Avoid Shake Even if the lightning is good a small shake can easily blur a...
Have you planned to approach and express your love to someone special on Valentine’s Day? If you have, do you feel confident enough to do so? If you don’t, don’t fret, try and read along, maybe this will help: ...
Doing yoga poses during menstruation is a controversial topic. Some say you should do yoga while others tell you to avoid it. According to my research, there are some poses which one should do to help reduce the pain,...
“Words, in my not so humble opinion, are our most inexhaustible source of magic”. If you are a person of words, you must be knowing that this beautiful and extremely true line is from one of the best book series...
Do Your Homework Before going on a date just check out her social media pages like Facebook account , this will surely give you information about her likes and dislikes due to which you can do a clever conversation. ...
  Godrej Interio Establishment – 1897 Corporate office – Mumbai, Maharashtra Business  – Home and office furniture Website – www.godrejinterio.com USHA Lexus Furniture Establishment – 1983 Corporate office – Gurgaon, Haryana – Home interior and furniture Website – www.ushafurniture.com Zuari Furniture Establishment – 2001 Corporate office – Chennai, Tamilnadu  – Home & office furniture Website – www.zuari-furniture.com Durian Establishment – 1999 Corporate office – Mumbai, Maharashtra  –...
  Stay hydrated To b fit and healthy , the first step is to be hydrated. you will feel crummy, sleepy and sometimes a headache if you are dehydrated. so drink enough water. Find time to walk From your busy schedule...
  Learn to listen Learn to listen not only the words spoken but the message sent with them. Don't think what to say when someone is speaking, first listen to it, understand and then reply. Take care of other's emotion Don't...
Everything has turned tech savvy these days and so has styling. Before we learn something new, we always tend to have a look at how to do it on YouTube and so is the case with fashion if we...
We would like to share an exceptional Personalized Learning Plan journey which has inspired Team ‪#‎BeAttractive‬!   Rohan, 23 year old, Engineer, aspiring to serve the country passes SSB with merit but is medically over weight by 19 kgs! He gets a...