Home Fashionomical Few Best YouTube Fashion Bloggers You Must Follow

Few Best YouTube Fashion Bloggers You Must Follow

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Everything has turned tech savvy these days and so has styling. Before we learn something new, we always tend to have a look at how to do it on YouTube and so is the case with fashion if we go by the current trends. With all the DIY tutorials and so many people, fashion too has turned online! There are a couple of fashion bloggers you must follow if you wish to turn yourself into one!

Niki and Gabi


It’s Niki and Gabi! The girls make videos on probably everything which ranges from songs to fun and of course fashion and beauty. Follow them on YouTube and have a closer look at what they have got for you!



For all those who are huge fans of DIY’s and not to forget the cool outfit match kind of people, Eva’s vlog is meant for you. Her videos are cut to perfect inch and they will never fail to allure you.


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With some 6 million subscribers, Marzia’s blog is one of the coolest ones and super fun to watch. She uploads videos Wednesdays and Saturdays and tries to cover on anything and everything which is of the slightest of interest to her.

Cute Girls Hairstyles

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Fashion these days is a lot about hairstyling and so here are all your answers to the how’s and why’s. From basic plaits to the waterfall braids, the 5 minute hairstyles as well as twists and updos, here is all from her!


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Meg DeAngelis has some 4 million subscribers and she shares her tricks and tips with everyone out there! A harry potter fan that she is, she never fails to amaze her followers!


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With a subscriber count of 702K, Patrick is the first male to come into this list. After all, boys could be possible makeup artists and followers too. He works at Orlando and Los Angeles and wishes more males to enter into this line. He posts on every Friday and he also is a great fan of Photography and YouTube.


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With a million subscribers, the 22 year old is a dog lover and is obsessed with everything that involves beauty.

Now that you know quite a few, go subscribe them and get some tips and tricks on styling as well as personal grooming! After having gone through their channels you will know exactly why magazines are no longer the new cool and YouTube or other social networks are!


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