Home Beauté Nigma Mirajkar Q&A – sensational instagram Influencer

Nigma Mirajkar Q&A – sensational instagram Influencer


Tell us about yourself.

Hi this is Nagma Mirajkar, I’m a lifestyle, dance and fashion content creator with over a 7 million family online. I have always been a person who loves being in front of the camera and I’m so glad social media allows me to do what I love doing. When I started out in 2015 short format video platforms were just about gaining traction and I wanted to be a frontrunner of this new age form of entertainment as I saw the potentiality in it. I found instant resonance with content creation and I could envisage myself in it for a long period of time.

What would you like to accomplish in your professional career?

At some point I’d like to consider venturing into the entrepreneurial realm. I’d love to start a beauty revolution and start a bespoke line of beauty products. I would love to be a beauty moghul like Kim Kardashian and take the Indian beauty industry to global shores.

Where do you see yourself in five or 10 years?

I see myself as global achiever, travelling the remotest parts of the world, attending global events of repute and owning a house in every part of the world !

What do you like doing in your spare time?

I enjoy lazing around with my cat, binge watching movies and television series with my family.

How do you prepare for a day mentally and physically?

Mentally I try to not let the setbacks hold me down, I believe your thoughts are a powerful tool for manifestation and positivity always attracts abundance. Physically I try to eat healthy, practice meditation and yoga and get enough of my beauty sleep

Tell us something about your best memories personal and professional?

Best memories would be the preliminary part of my journey when random strangers walked up to compliment me on my work and then seeing hoardings of myself on traffic signals. It’s such a fulfilling feeling to see the growth over the years. Personally I think it’s about how my family and my team has always contributed to this joyride and made it even more memorable

Your favorite place to travel?

I love Paris and Dubai.

What are your greatest strength and weakness?

Strength would be my ambition and determination and weakness is that I function more from the heart than the head

What do you enjoy the most about performing on camera?

The entertainment value you give to the person watching your videos. It’s amazing how that one video can uplift someone’s mood!

Who had the most significant influence in your life?

Awez has been my mentor since the day I met him. He has changed me for better in many ways, personally and professionally.

Do you have any unusual talents?

Not really unusual, but I can apply beautiful henna designs.

What advice would you like to give to your fans?

Listen to your heart and if you decide to do something, do it with all your soul, give your 1000 percent and don’t second guess your effort and leave the results to the universe

What has been your most challenging project so far?

It was one music video where we shooting in Budapest (during winter) and I had to enact a tearful scene. I had to cry “naturally” and the cold weather just made it harder. But it went amazing, I am still learning and enhancing my acting skills.


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