1: START your day with an excellent positive vibe inside you, Apply the golden rules in your life. The Three P’s in your life POSITIVITY, PERSEVERANCE & PREVENTION. 2: EXERCISE is a prime factor to stay healthy & fit. It...
A honeymoon is always special and magical trip and the best way to start your beautiful journey of togetherness. Those few days spent with your partner, are very special. It is a phase of developing more attachment. To make this...
Make up makes you look flawless and perfect. But if not applied in a proper way, it can make you look disastrous too.While applying makeup, we tend to make major make up goof ups. So, to avoid these blunders,...
Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of...

Atithi Devo Bhava

“Atithi Devo Bhava” is a Sanskrit terminology where the words mean that guests should be treated like gods or goddesses. The guests are considered as god and are treated accordingly. From centuries guests in our country are treated as the...
With globalisation marking its impression on major part of the world, India is also not left untouched by its effect. Indian youth have gone their way out in recent times to adopt western fashion in mass. Here is a...
Be Attractive

Bid Adieu to Winter Blues

The winter denounces on your health secretly, but you can outsmart the common cold in the kitchen. Here is a list of food items, if clearly avoided during winters, will render you the flu and cold free winters.   Cayenne Pepper People...
Our nation is Bollywood obsessed and its testified, by not just the success of some uninspired films but also through the soaring success of autobiographies of gems of our entertainment industry. Be it ingenuous anecdotes, a catalog of style,...

Beauty comes in all forms

From curvy to slim, tall to short, beige/dark chocolate/almond/etc and whatever your skin colour, hair type or shoe size, beauty comes in a variety of diverse colours, shapes and sizes. According to most of the people (especially men), the definition...
The Sun is up, the Sky is Blue It's Beautiful and so are you... In spite of the fact that, Bollywood would have us believe that there are actually people who roll out of bed screen-ready, but we all know that’s...