1: START your day with an excellent positive vibe inside you, Apply the golden rules in your life. The Three P’s in your life POSITIVITY, PERSEVERANCE & PREVENTION.

2: EXERCISE is a prime factor to stay healthy & fit. It strengthens the bones, helps tone muscles, stress buster, relieves depression & helps you get better sound sleep. A core discussion with your health care provider is important before starting any form of exercise regime, if your condition is obesity, or diabetes or high /low blood pressure.

3: SMOKING nicotine is the biggest culprit to take a toll on your health. It is one of the main cause of death leading at an early age of life. When you consume excess amount of cigarettes your body tends to lose its metabolism, and along with that it weakens the immune system. Second hand smoke is also interlinked to heart disease. It is better late than never, so stop smoking and start living.. The biggest and easy mantra of life is to eat healthy live healthy and breath healthy.

4: ALCOHOL kills and changes many brain functions. Emotions, thoughts and judgment are the prime factors to get affected. And continuous consumption of alcohol causes slurred speech, slower reactions, poor balance in your daily lifestyle. The main causes of excess alcohol includes:
▪ Diseases of the liver and pancreas
▪ Cancer and other diseases of the esophagus.
▪ Heart muscle damage
▪ Brain damage
▪ Do not drink alcohol when you are pregnant.
▪ Alcohol can cause serious harm to the unborn baby and lead to fetal alcohol syndrome. ▪ Keep at bay this poison and ensure a healthy living by eliminating the consumption of it.

Infact, parents should talk discuss the side effects of alcohol and high light the hazardous effects of it with their children. This will help your kids to stay updated with a fitter style of life.

5: DEAL WITH STRESS everyday with a positive approach. Stress is normal. It can be a great motivator and help in some cases. But too much stress can cause depression and leads you to live a low esteem life. Stress can cause some serious problems like trouble in sleeping, upset digestive tract, anxiety or mood changes for instance. There are several ways to deal stress like meditation, music therapy, adventure sport, outdoor games and indulge yourself in some extra activities that you love to do. Be happy and keep stress and problems at bay.

6: DIET should be balanced properly to maintain a good health. Choose food products that are low in saturated fats & trans fats for a good life span. Limit your salt & sugar intake in your diet. Keep a check on your carbs and junk food that you binge on. Consume more of fibre, which can be found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, sprouts and nuts. Meet your nutritionist for a better way of healthy living incase you need to shred those extra kilos off. Staying Trim n Slim, will boost your energy levels and your confidence positively.

7: DENTAL CARE & HYGIENE is the most essential part of our day to day life. Maintaining your oral care with brushing your teeth early morning and before bed is a good practice. This keeps tooth decay out and controls bad breath as well. Use fluoride toothpaste. Floss those set at least once daily. Use soft bristles and replace it once over used. Keep your body clean by regular bathing and keeping yourself odorless throughout the day. Keep a good perfume or a deodorant handy. Carry a sunscreen for your face and hands. Keep your nails clean and maintain your personality with vibrance. That’s the way one can stay strong and healthy. A HEALTHY LIVING IS POSSIBLE ONLY IF YOU FOLLOW YOUR HEART AND DO WHAT IT TAKES TO BE FIT AND LOOK GORGEOUS



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