Keeping its sugar and fat content aside, dark chocolate is regarded as one of the most health-rewarding food items. Health perks of eating low sugar dark chocolate are very high in comparison to that of other comfort foods. What makes...
Cinema is often said to be the image of the society. True enough, the film industry is an aboriginal creation of the socio-economic circumstances of mankind. It takes inspiration from the real life, molds it into a finer act...
The world and the world is an extremely beautiful place, and the more we understand about it the more beautiful does it appear -Richard Dawkins The world as we know it is a place we are born in. We grow up,...


Sixty Nine, what word comes to your mind when you think of 69? A number? A sex position? Karma? Infinity? Yes then you are eligible to go through the article. “Karma . What you give or do comes back to...
Technologies have changed and a lot has transformed over the years. For all the times we have Googled our queries or for that matter have been in constant contact to someone in ways other than calls. A lot has...
Everybody wants to be a Billionaire but how? That’s an interesting questions. Don’t worry we will show you some ways to become a Billionaire. Earning sufficient income to ensure regular savings and investments is the basic of building wealth. The...
For Delhiites, life is all about the city lifestyle and 'food'. Being a mishmash of different cultures, the city offers a variety of lip smacking delicacies. But there is nothing in this world which can beat Delhi's Street food....

Love in the shape of you

Love, What is Love? Is it just a feeling? No, It is lot more than a feeling.  It is so vastly different. We experience different kinds of love, sibling love, the love we feel for our parents, friends or...
Fitness is nowadays highly important to so many people due to various reasons. For some it’s simply health conditions while for others its requirement of work. Apart from them, some are just dedicated to the idea of fitness. Work...
Have you ever heard the saying, ‘We fall in love by chance, we stay in love by choice’? Always remember that saying in your relationship with your girlfriend because it will make a huge difference to your relationship’s happiness....