Home U&Me 5 Things To Talk About With Your Girlfriend To Bring You Closer

5 Things To Talk About With Your Girlfriend To Bring You Closer

5 Things To Talk About With Your Girlfriend To Bring You Closer

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘We fall in love by chance, we stay in love by choice’? Always remember that saying in your relationship with your girlfriend because it will make a huge difference to your relationship’s happiness. The truth is that you always have a choice to become closer or grow apart.

One of the best ways to become closer is to find some intimate things to talk about with your girlfriend that have some meaning to her and you and your relationship. Not sure where to start? That’s okay because this article will give you 15 topics to choose from that will help you find many more topics on your own.

1. Talk About Something That You Have In Common

If you were drawn together, then you have some things in common. They are likely what made you feel connected in the beginning, and they will keep making you feel connected no matter how long you’ve been together.

What’s interesting is that researchers found that if you have something in common with someone else, you tend to think of them as being like you in a bunch of other ways, not just in the way you know you are similar. That means that when you talk about how you are similar, your differences will be put aside and you will feel like you are on the same page.

2. Tell Her What You Like About Her

Talk about what you liked when you first met her and talk about what you like about her now. You will make her feel good about herself, and those feelings will transfer to how she feels about you. In short, she will feel as if you are on her side and a supporter of her, and that will help her feel closer to you.

3. Talk About Whether Or Not You Believe In God

If you haven’t talked about this yet, it’s a great topic of conversation to connect on a deeper level. This is not something you talk about with a stranger on the street or someone you barely know because it is an intimate topic.

In some cases, you may already know the basics. For instance, if you met in church then you are going know the basics of what she believes. But for most people this will be a topic that hasn’t been touched yet and will give you insight into what she believes in and how she governs herself according to what she believes.

4. Ask Her What She Feels Grateful For

When you focus on gratitude, you feel better. You feel happier and more alive and ready to take on the world. If you talk to her about what she feels grateful for, then you are helping her feel better, happier, alive, and ready to take on the world! It’s just a simple way to help her feel better about herself, you, and everything that’s going on around her.

Ask a specific question, such as what she feels most grateful for in her life or what she feels most grateful for about her family. Or, if it is just a random conversation, then pick any topic around gratitude. And if she is feeling down about something, then asking her to focus on what she is grateful for in that area will help her to start feeling better, and when she feels better, she will associate you with that increased mood.

5. Talk About An Embarrassing Moment

It may feel awkward to do it first, but it is a way to show vulnerability, which is huge for building a closer connection, and it will give her more insight into you. Let’s face it, we all have embarrassing moments. And by talking about it with each other, you will have a little secret that other people will never have with you or your girlfriend.


Source/ Credits: http://www.ilanelanzen.com/loveandrelationships/15-things-to-talk-about-with-your-girlfriend-to-bring-you-closer/


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