Home ART Trees! Chariot of our Life – Pari Sagar

Trees! Chariot of our Life – Pari Sagar


I am a type of person who can’t sit patiently for a single moment. I need to always keep moving and live an active lifestyle. As an artist I spend more time with myself than with others. I needed some extra energy to have a spirited social life. So adding life to life was my first goal. I did that by practicing yoga and meditation and it was an absolutely delightful and life changing experience. I remember when I just started learning the art of meditation. I was so hard on myself! But I was told on authority that every meditation technique works when you enter it from a happy place. Art has been always therapeutic to me. It has healed me. My best subject has bean trees – chariot of life. Tree of life is the bridge between conscious and unconscious mind.

For many years my paintings have varied from figurative art to modern art, but painting trees has been intuitive so I call my series of trees as an “intuitive art”. I would like to share my learning through trees. I felt uplifted subconsciously. Just like meditation, the tree and I became one. I meditate upon the life which gave me bliss, silence, happiness, making me true to myself no matter what. If I accept myself, I can accept others with peace, joy, and grace to nourish and nurture.


Practicing yoga for several years has given me a sense of gratitude towards nature and it comes from the root center. In yoga – the root center is called the Muladhara Center which is connected to Mother Earth. No matter the quality of your soil, if you look for nourishment from nature you will flourish. What I understood about upbringing your strength of roots comes from your parents and your friends. They are an integral part of life, who know you in and out transparently. Accepting each other’s background without expectation or judging them brings change to flourish.

Twin Souls

There is another art piece about twinning. 

It is about partnering your true nature with another soul who has same interest like yours. Maybe it’s not necessary that they are built on the same ground. But sharing your true authentic self to other person will make your journey interesting. This is what I have shown in my painting- Twin Souls. They may have different mindsets but they still like each other’s company.


In today’s world, we are so much dependent on networking, saying “Your vibes attract your tribe.” Before I use to struggle a lot to fit in any group. I am not an anti-social person but I like to be selective with whom I want to connect with my heart. Connections which will radiate positive thoughts to keep my surrounding healthy. I realized that, things which don’t resonate me are not in my tribe. I don’t change my personality in order to fit in. Just being my true authentic self helps me to be in my deepest form and in a profound way allows me to have a socially acceptable nature. Loving and respecting who you are, is accepting that you do not need validation from other people. I also realized its ok to be crazy, it’s ok to let your emotions to come out in a weird way, just as you do when you are with your family. It becomes extension of your nature. 

I make mixed media art. Using different materials and bring together into art brings surprise element in me.  My passion of painting trees has been my own discovery process; which taught me values of life to be happy, whole, accepting and embracing true self without getting into other people’s drama. I hope people will connect themselves to my art, the way I found mine. I am creative solopreneur making my mark as an artist, author, numerologist and traveler.

Yes it has healed me.



-Pari Sagar


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