Shimmer makeup products aren't for every skin type.   1. Don't test new foundation shades on your cheek. The skin on your face, due to increased sun exposure or breakouts, isn't the same color as the rest of your body. So,...
Do you want to increase your productivity in such a way that you get more done in less time and get more done with less work? So often, when we think about productivity, we think about time management tricks, ways...
Learning something new is always an exciting Endeavor to commence. The problem is that most of us get wrapped up in busy distractions throughout the day so that we can never find the time to learn the new skill we...
Most people think they have the most stressful job – that’s only natural. And without doubt, almost every job has unique brands of stress. But let’s face it, there are some jobs that are just way more stressful than...
National Father-In-Law Day is observed annually on July 30.  As the name suggests this day is dedicated to your spouse’s father; your father-in-law. The old people in the family are actually the tradition carriers and often teach us many lessons in...
VOICE is one of the most important factors that makes you attractive and its your right and duty to beautify your voice , if you want to make place in people’s heart. It’s a great pleasure for me to talk about...
You’re probably smarter than you think you are, if you seldom assume you’re smart at all. Back in 2012, Jonah Lehrer wrote for The New Yorker that the traits that encompass what we consider to be “smartness” more often...
Manipulation is generally a bad skill to use to get what you want, but sometimes it's justifiable when you have a noble cause. Perhaps you're trying to get someone to live a healthier lifestyle or enjoy an activity with...
Last night I received an email (creatively) titled “Emotionally Stable People Don’t Do This” from a reader named Karl.  In it he describes a rather chaotic emotional roller coaster that he’s been on for the past few years, personally...
If you've read No More Dirty Looks, or our blog, you know my co-author Alexandra and I are fond of oils, and coconut oil in particular because it’s an amazing and cost-saving multitasker that has lots of qualities to...