Home Others Top 10 Twitter Accounts to follow for Motivation and success.

Top 10 Twitter Accounts to follow for Motivation and success.

  1. Brendon Burchard- @BrendonBurchard

Breandon is an author of the books, The Motivation Manifesto, The Charge and Life’s Golden Ticket.



  1. Sir Ken Robinson- @SirKenRobinson

Sir Ken Robinson is a British author, speaker and international advisor on education in arts.


  1. Gina Rudan- @GinaRudan

She is the best-selling author of Practical Genius and Culture Hacker.

Gina Rudan ‏@GinaRudan  Apr 15

FRIDAY INSIGHT: There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in…Leonard Cohen


  1. Staci J Shelton- @StaciJShelton

She is a speaker, coach and trainer, passionate about helping people, organisations and business.

“There is nothing like the power that results when Passion and Purpose connect. Amazing things happen. Want power? Find your passion and give it a worthy purpose. It’s nearly an unstoppable force.” ~Staci

  1. Dawn Thierfelder- @coachdawnsays

She tweets motivational quotes on her account to inspire people to be passionate and be healthy.

“It isn’t the mountain that wears you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.”

  1. CEO Real Talk- @CEORealTalk

Dr. Garnett Newcombe and Kay Woods empower entrepreneurs and small business owners to grow.

“Be willing to embrace change for better results.”


  1. Ebong Eka- @ebongeka

He is a leadership trainer, speaker and TV contributor and named one of the top small biz experts.

“Complaining limits your growth because you think    about what’s troubles you instead of what makes you happy.”


  1. Chelsea Krost- @ChelseaKrost

She tweets the best inspirational quotes. She is a millennial spokesperson and brand consultant. She is also a media personality and chat host of #MillennialTalk.



  1. Keith R Wyche- @KeithWyche

He is the author of Good Is Not Enough and Corner Office Rules. He is also a leadership expert and speaker.

“At some point in your life you must decide whether you want to IMPRESS people, or INFLUENCE people!”

  1. Matthew Toren- @matthewtoren

Matthew is a writer for Entrepreneur magazine and an investor himself. His twitter account is filled with inspirational quotes and informational articles about running a successful business.










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