
    Now that is the question, but is that worth a million dollars? Just as this question is so is answering it, not easy for sure, to be answered or not to be answered asks my heart in the bid to avoid reliving the painful experiences of the dilemmas of being – so here comes the “TO BE” – what a beginning in the realm of living i must say. What must be the basis for existence of this question i wonder, is it the way we take birth crying – the inevitable first cry when we are born. I understand how hard it is to bear the trying times we go through but life in itself is very powerful as God has equipped us with the power to deal with all the problems that come our way as is quoted in the Holy Bible,

    “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” – 1 Corinthians 10:13.

    Despite knowing this then what is it that raises the question in us whether “not to be” i wonder. Do we need to be intimidated to such extent by the troubles we go through to be led to question our mere existence and ponder on whether ceasing to live is better than facing all that comes our way with courage and faith in Almighty to sustain us and help us over-come.

    We can choose to live with perfect freedom and seek rest from God reflecting upon the precious words of our Lord Jesus Christ from the Holy scripture,

    “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

    We need not allow our soul to be cast down within us so much, as after a dark cloudy night that blocks our view of the way ahead, emerges the beautiful morning light that breaks at dawn with its freshness upon us showing us the way crystal clear we seek to find. For each new morning brings new Grace of God in our lives and beautiful opportunity to expe-rience His everlasting love yet again. Such is the power of the light of God then why should we dwell upon the darkness of our life so much! Is it more powerful that it draws us to hopelessness and discourages us to make wrong choices such as one of them we talk about here of consider-ing to “not to be”? It is certainly not more powerful than the power of God Almighty so it is we who give it any power over us and our lives, isn’t it? Our loving creator has given us freedom to choose from life and death. What should we choose then? Should our hardships influence us to make right or wrong choices? It must lead us to make right choices, i believe, we must instead of giving up, choose life. But we need to reflect upon our inner life to know whether we are really doing so and under-stand what choices have we made and thus make necessary amendments in whichever area of our lives we need to.

    Nothing and no one not even the bitter pangs of life can ever separate us from the Love of God. Then what is the fear all about i often wonder. Can fear and faith coexist? Not at all. So let us choose faith over fear and live this precious life beautifully considering “TO BE” forever. Why be anxious about anything? Let us instead just choose to cast our care about everything on the one who cares for us, our heavenly father.
    These lines that flow through my heart say it all here,

    “Do not fear the storms of Life,
    Believe they will pass and you will Survive,
    Be hopeful that your good times will Arrive,
    And that you will live here with the experience of Paradise”

    This beautiful poem reminds us to anticipate good things to happen to us in the future despite our situation in the present.
    We must give hope and faith over our problems an upper hand in our lives as this quote teaches us;
    “However long the night, the dawn will break.”

    How much ever hard the going gets we can choose to believe we will go through it and emerge out victorious. Every storm that we face is passing away. Just as the happy times are not permanent so are the hard times.
    We must believe “This too shall pass” and our endurance to face our painful times with courage will increase.

    An another important factor that comes to my mind that has power in fact the only factor that is most powerful to drag us to the pit of discouragement is our own failures at the face of life.

    “ The hardest prison to escape is in our own mind”

    this quote explains my point well. If we allow our wrong choices and de-feats of past to determine our present actions that become our future eventually we put ourselves into trouble. What can be the antidote to this? An impeccable trust in God and His promise to turn all evil into good for us in our lives. We must not allow our hearts and minds to be troubled but take it all in our stride positively for how else will we get to the best in our lives. Our failures act as the stepping stones to our success.
    Every decision we make, every action we take teaches us something valuable and prepares us for the next one. Then what causes indecisive-ness to us when we have such blessed assurance from God? Verse 8 from chapter 4 of the book of James in the Holy Bible holds the answer and solution to this;

    “Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

    Seeking to gain wisdom from God and not leaning on our own under-standing, when we commit all our plans to the Lord, He will help us be single minded and strongly decisive and cause us to succeed and prosper in all that we lay our hands on as He has promised.

    Not our problems but it is with what attitude we face them that matters. God watches over our attitude during our times of trials and hardships, whether we complain and murmur through it or face it with a good attitude. If we look at the sufferings and pains of the people around us in the world we will understand how little are our troubles before what they are going through. Such understanding will increase our gratitude towards God and awaken us towards all that we are blessed with because of His love and grace. A good example is a man called Job from Bible who went through all the tests and trials in his life with a good attitude and with an unchanged heart and faith in God and thus we also learn about the outcome of his this noble choice that how greatly he was blessed and restored by God. We can choose to believe, it all happened in our life with a good purpose and will ultimately turn out for our good. It is during such tough times only that we learn and grow the most i can say through my experiences and believe that we must all have surely ex-perienced this in our lives. Just as the writer of Psalms says in chapter 119 verses 71,72 we too must believe that;

    “It was good for me to be afflicted so that i might learn your de-crees. The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.”

    With all this encouragement i conclude with ridding my mind off even the thought of to “not to be” but decide “TO BE” now and forever and urge you too to choose the same as the beautifully hopeful lines of this poem cite;

    “To live is better than to Die,
    For one day we will see clearly through the Sky,
    With our virtues and fulfilled dreams we will Fly,
    Rising up above this all to meet our creator the most High.”

    Don’t let anything fade away your lovely smile. Let us keep the joy alive in our hearts forever. Let us focus on the best in our life leaving the rest in God’s hands and go on living this beautiful life to accomplish the purpose for which our loving heavenly father has created us.


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