Home ART The Journey of Art

The Journey of Art


“The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity. It is important to express oneself…provided the feelings are real and are taken from you own experience. Funun Arts Group along with the Novotel, World Trade Center, Dubai welcomed the year 2022 with its first art event, the launch of the book “THE JOURNEY OF ART’ and solo art exhibition by Noor Haidri Nazar.


The book where artist Noor Haidri presenting the bouquet of 132 of his artwork as a precious coffee table book. The book showcases the three beautiful subjects: Islamic Calligraphy, Melody of Music and Love and life.


The event was inaugurated in the presence of honorable chief Guest His Excellency Mr. Afzaal Mahmood, Ambassador of Pakistan in UAE, he expertize of representing Pakistan at many international forums and in different parts of the world and His Excellency Suhail Mohd. Alzarooni, chairman of Zarooni foundation and Zarooni group of companies. (Guinness World Record Holder, a
Philanthropist, an Author, an Emirati Collector, Ambassador at Large and Emirati Businessman).


There were many distinguished guest present to grace the event along with the family of Noor Haidri Nazar. Shiba Khan, Artist and founder of Funun Arts said” We are really honored to be the part of the journey of this legendary great artist. Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life. To be an artist is to believe in life.


We started the year with the book launch and the solo show which is a new adds on in the list of Funun Arts events. And we are looking forward for more such events in 2022 which are in the pipeline with more creativity and new ideas. H E Suhail Al Zarooni said” The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance and this can be well experienced in this event. I congratulate to the artist and the organizer. H E Afzaal Mahmood said” Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced. Nazar is a gem for us and I really glad to be the part of his journey.


Farah Khan, Creative designer and cofounder of Funun Arts said” this event is a new milestone for us as we have experienced the work , the asset, the treasure and lifelong achievements of a great artist Nazar Haidri. Through this event we can see how an artist works throughout his life and created such incredible art works. We are honored to present the Life Time Achievement Award to Mr. Noor. Ferry , Cluster digital manager said: We are always glad to organize art events as it add colors and beauty. We promote art and culture and artists. Nazar Haidri , the artist said: I am grateful to Allah Almighty to reward me with everything Alhamdulillah.


There are many people to whom I am thankful from my family, to my friends and colleagues but above all I give all credit to my life partner , my wife , my better half Mrs. Mahapara . It is truly said that behind every successful man there is a woman. This is not just a book , it is my lifelong journey that why it is titled “ The Journey of Art”. I have three passions in my life Music, Poetry and Art and all these three reflects in my work which you can experience through my book. My day starts with prayer and thanks to almighty followed by my time which I spend in my studio. Art, a simple three-lettered word, has a broad definition. From photography, music, dance to painting, everything is a genre of art. Creating something without words, something that speaks to people, art is a language of its own. We see art everyday but how we see it is different”

About the Artist:

Pakistani artist, born in Lucknow, Noor Haidri Nazar more popularly known as Noor Haidri spent 26+ years living and working in Saudi Arabia and now resides between Pakistan, & UAE.He has encyclopedic knowledge of classical music, poetry and art. These are the three important and precious elements of his life. After more than 40 years of professional life, he spends his life in painting in the form of oil and acrylic on Canvas. Exhibited in number of group art exhibitions and done numerous solo shows throughout the world. His artwork is based on Islamic calligraphy, Love and life , Music . He is fascinated by cubism and pointillism. These all fascinations are well reflected in his work. Haidri has always been a restless seeker – even now, when his youth is no longer with him, he thinks nothing of traveling to the UAE and pursuing his publisher. Not to speak of his numerous efforts to get this writer pen a few words for his book, Art Journey. This is surely a lesson in stamina, especially for those who have their youth with them. His constant search for the unique had an early start. He was part of the first batch of students studying at the art consulate of Karachi, Pakistan, in the 1960s. The students were shown and taught the styles of Picasso, DaVinci and other Europe- artists. “Music is art,” Haidri says. “It is considered the universal language for expressing feelings, sensations and m “Each musical instrument speaks its own language, displaying its own personality, with a unique spiritual effect felt only with the sense of hearing. “Similarly, art aims to spark emotion and feeling, taking different forms, from paintings to sculptures, with their own personality. It affects each viewer separately, through seeing.”

As every instrument in an orchestra, no matter how big or small, contributes to the overall experience through sound, a spectrum of colors is used in Haidri’s art to bind a targeted emotion, in any given painting. His favorite color is blue. He finds that it carries a wide array of shades, from the soothing connotations of blue waves to the aggressive nature of lightning. Haidri’s works present a world of meaning. Whether one wants to be soothed by music, energized by pointillism or turned reflective by calligraphy, his paintings are a one-stop- shop for sentiment. And they are best enjoyed when one gives himself up to the sweet sessions of silent thought.


About Funun Arts:

Funun Arts is a non-profit platform where artists are given an opportunity to exhibit their talents in a space that is affordable and allows them the freedom to enhance their creativity. Funun offers them an experience they will cherish. Emerging as an innovative idea amongst a few artists in 2016, it soon took over the aspiring imagination of the Khan Sisters, Shiba and Farah. Shiba Khan is an artist, Fashion Designer and art activist and Farah Khan is a photographer, creative designer and a food blogger. Funun Arts has been widely appreciated for their initiatives towards social and noble causes for a better society, and has been engaged in offering a helping hand to those in need. They believe that art is not only brushes and canvases; it is also a form to communicate your thoughts without any constraint, and that brings about a sense of positive energy which brightens the spirit of the onlooker. Now more than 400 multinational artists are the part of this art community.



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