So after being a recently single woman myself, I know first hand how hard it is to go through a break up. But once you get over all the crying and ice cream eating I realized that Single like has never felt better. But yes, there are times I feel sad, miss my ex; and seeing couples around me made my heart want to puke. There are a lot of Positives and Negatives of being Single and this is what they are.

Lets start with the good stuff first. The Positives

Positive No. 1

You are free to do whatever you want, whenever you want with whoever you want: this point is true to the effect that you don’t have to feel constrained by a relationship and that you cannot do what you want to do at times.

Positive No. 2

Opportunity to meet more new people: when you’re in a relationship the opportunity to meet new, fun people is still there although you may not be as adventurous or engaging to search for these opportunities when you are in a relationship.

Positive No. 3

Can flirt as much as you would like: if you’re a person that is naturally flirty or likes to flirt this can be a huge issue in a relationship. Being single solves that.

Now comes the sad part. The Negatives

Negative No. 1

Have the feeling of being left out if all your friends are in relationships: Feeling left out can be a big issue. Growing to a certain age in your life and seeing all your friends in relationships and getting married can be really, really tough.

Negative No. 2

Hard being single when you have needs and enjoy being in a relationship: If you’re a person that loves being in a relationship and feel as if you need and enjoy life more while in a relationship then the single life can be torture.

Negative No. 3

Lack of intimacy and love from someone who cares about you: Although being single you can meet lots of people and gain intimacy like that, nothing compares to the feeling of being in love and having someone who cares for you with all their heart.

Positives or Negatives, the Single life is amazing. That being said, being single is completely your choice, or whether you want to live the relationship life. Either way, you should be happy with whatever you choose.

Question of the day: Would you rather be single in your life right now or in a relationship?


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