Incredible Uses of Coconut Oil


Coconut Oil has multiple uses and is indeed the perfect item for use in home, beauty and health purpose. It builds resistance against microorganisms, increases metabolisms and controls sugar levels, it is quite the natural beauty care product and not to forget a range of other uses in households. Here are some incredible uses of coconut oil: To remove eye makeup Source: It...

How to learn ‘just being in the moment’?

be attractive

Stay in the now! Explore the power of present! Stay in present! Enjoy in now! …. These are just few of the many ways mindfulness is being preached and taught these days. It really helps train one’s mind to become more productive and efficient as one learns to relax more and worry or regret less. Its concept is really...

How to Never let Emotions Govern your Business Decisions

How to Never let Emotions Govern your Business Decisions

You go to a theatre and enjoy a film. Why? Because they give you some sort of release. A vent to some of your emotions that you may have kept restricted for some time. That’s reel life and then there is real life. In any business, letting emotions influence you could be detrimental. So read up to know how...

Five Ways to Earn Money using the Internet

Five Ways to Earn Money using the Internet

Working from home or as a freelancer, there are so many things one can do to earn money with just the internet. One can earn buying-selling over e-commerce sites, building up a website, content curators and so much more. Here are the best of 5 ways to earn money using the internet: Website Building Website building is to internet what the...

10 heart breaking classics that portray true love

be attractive

Classics are so mesmerizing and always important because they have stood the test of time and proved themselves again and again. The complexity and realism that they withhold is as realistic as life itself is. This makes them stand out among all other works of art. As we cover each of ten works of art, we shall explain the message...

How to get over your Heart-Break in a week:


Had a heart break? Thinking about it all the time? Is the emotional pain excruciatingly heart wrenching? Remember this line from the Dark Night Trilogy Films: Alfred: “Why do we fall Master Bruce? … So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.” Now what can be done is to just be truthful, know what happened and prepare your mind to accept...

Hairstyles for Medium length hair


The Wedding Hairdo This hairstyle looks very difficult to do, but is very simple and easy to do. It gives you an elegant look. The Ponytail Bow Again very easy to do plus gives you a really cute look.  The Two Side-Braid Hairdo When you are running late, this hairdo is the one you can do. Just make two braids to the sides pin...

Signs You’re About To Get Fired


  There are certain hints which are always an indication of a red alert, isn’t it? It might be in school for getting a punishment or at work place when you are about to get fired, or simply at home when you mess things up. Here, I shall tell you, 5 signs that are indication of you about to being...

How To Get Radiant Skin In Summer


  Summer is here, are you ready? Summer is the season to flaunt your shorts and summer dresses, which reveal most of your skin to the harsh sun. It is essential that you take proper care of your skin. Follow the below mentioned points and get that radiant skin ready for this summer. Diet - Avoid caffeinated or carbonated drinks...

Artificial sweeteners : Oh so bitter !

Artificial sweeteners : Oh so bitter !

A convenient lie has more buyers than the bitter truth! …& THAT, my friends, is the fundamental psychological trick behind the increasing popularity of artificial sweeteners. The 90’s brought about a huge resurgence in diet food, which could only be labelled as such due to the replacement of sugar with artificial sweeteners. With this switch, many processed junk foods could...