There are certain hints which are always an indication of a red alert, isn’t it? It might be in school for getting a punishment or at work place when you are about to get fired, or simply at home...
  Summer is here, are you ready? Summer is the season to flaunt your shorts and summer dresses, which reveal most of your skin to the harsh sun. It is essential that you take proper care of your skin. Follow...
A convenient lie has more buyers than the bitter truth! …& THAT, my friends, is the fundamental psychological trick behind the increasing popularity of artificial sweeteners. The 90’s brought about a huge resurgence in diet food, which could only be...
4 Eye Makeup Tutorials

4 Eye Makeup Tutorials

The Winged Eyeliner Following are two images showing thick winged eyeliner and a thin winged eyeliner. Normally the thick liner suits big eyes and the thin one suits smaller eyes.   The Smokey Eye Smokey eyes really suits the Indian skin color and...
Becoming a millionaire has been a desire for people since eons. Every century that man has lived has witnessed some breathtaking experiences by daring self-motivated men that have pushed this world to new levels. There are numerous examples from...
With technology only advancing and newness adding up to the already existing features, there is a lot we are yet to know of. The world of TVs as well has different resolutions available, the choices between LEDs and LCDs,...
'Successful people' are supposedly everywhere, flaunting their accomplishments while the rest of the world searches for a way to match them. What are the secrets of success? There's no clear path, and no one can say for sure what a...
Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of the woods and you need to know which berries are edible. But these aren't tips for that. These are tips that will help you in your everyday life. They are taken...
There used to be a simpler time when communication system was so messed up that people usually used to give up. Alas, now has come a time so hard, that there are always ongoing wars. Present competitions are between lots...
Do you have a passion in life? Do you feel you are serious about it? Do you keep losing your focus while following your passion? If yes, then there is no need to worry. Why? Well, because you aren’t...