Stuck with an awful job and planning ways to escape? You cannot just walk out of your office, right? You need to plan your escape; that includes the resignation, a new job, some time off and various other things....

DIY Home Facials

Everyone wants clean and bright skin, but not always can we walk up to the parlor and spend a fortune in getting a facial done. We are forced to save facials for special occasions; but worry no more. Here...
Gosh… He is just too cool! Hasn’t the need to look cool been a sought after fad since a long time? So many guys (and even some girls) want to be seen as someone totally cool. Of course there’s...
Coconut Oil has multiple uses and is indeed the perfect item for use in home, beauty and health purpose. It builds resistance against microorganisms, increases metabolisms and controls sugar levels, it is quite the natural beauty care product and not...
Stay in the now! Explore the power of present! Stay in present! Enjoy in now! …. These are just few of the many ways mindfulness is being preached and taught these days. It really helps train one’s mind to...
You go to a theatre and enjoy a film. Why? Because they give you some sort of release. A vent to some of your emotions that you may have kept restricted for some time. That’s reel life and then...
Working from home or as a freelancer, there are so many things one can do to earn money with just the internet. One can earn buying-selling over e-commerce sites, building up a website, content curators and so much more. Here...
Classics are so mesmerizing and always important because they have stood the test of time and proved themselves again and again. The complexity and realism that they withhold is as realistic as life itself is. This makes them stand out...
Had a heart break? Thinking about it all the time? Is the emotional pain excruciatingly heart wrenching? Remember this line from the Dark Night Trilogy Films: Alfred: “Why do we fall Master Bruce? … So that we can learn to pick...
The Wedding Hairdo This hairstyle looks very difficult to do, but is very simple and easy to do. It gives you an elegant look. The Ponytail Bow Again very easy to do plus gives you a really cute look.  The Two Side-Braid Hairdo When...