I listened to a free audio series called Manifesting with the Masters, hosted by Jen Mazer, The Queen of Manifesting. It was 25 manifesting experts (and one bonus speaker, Joe Vitale) all doing 45 minute interviews with Jen, sharing nuggets...
We all have those days when we just can’t. You take one look at your to-do list, and the next thing you know, your motivation’s gone faster than a Japanese bullet train. It’s frustrating to want to do something,...
To lose WEIGHT is not an easy task and everybody knows it’s too easier to gain it all back than to lose it. Luckily there are simple habits you can form that will help you keep weight off and...
Oh, to be more productive. It's what we all want, right? In every office (and every social circle), there are those people who just seem to "get it done"—and get more done—faster than the rest. They leave work on time; they...
Simplistic outfits are amazing for so many different reasons, they're still in fashion (and arguably the will always be in fashion), they help you look super polished without you even trying, and you probably already have pieces in your wardrobe that...
Mastering the work life balance is tough. This generation is all about the hustle – working hard and doing everything you can to achieve the dream career, relationship, car, and overall life. We’re expected to balance a full-time job,...
The sweetest victory is the one that’s most difficult. The one that requires you to reach down deep inside, to fight with everything you’ve got, to be willing to leave everything out there on the battlefield—without knowing, until that...
Lexus is finally coming to India on Friday. The luxury brand of the Japanese giant Toyota Motor Company will enter India with two luxury SUVs and a premium sedan, which would be imported as completely built units initially, until...
There are people you meet who, for no reason you can explain, you share a connection with on a deeper level than anyone else you've ever known. Whether you believe in the kind of a soul mate born from...
I will not be doing justice to my new found passion for writing, until I write about the place which is probably closest to my heart and the place which I feel most Nostalgic about every time I am...