Home Reviews Home decor: Aatachi

Home decor: Aatachi

Home decor: Aatachi

We’re back with a blog. This time we’re not talking about food-fashion.. this time it’s all about “HOME Living”

Every woman wants to decorate her home like a palace. And  on the another end of the saying every palace have ” King & Queen”. In anyway the room looks attractive when they have signed cushions. That may be a sleek doll & bear or As i have the perfect combination of Mustache & Bow.

Aatachi send me lots of Gifts into the goodies bag that includes:

1.) Mustache cushion & bow cushion

2.) pointing finger bookmark- {Pink & green}

3.)Bird cage clip bookmark by chapter

4.) Paris metal bookmark

5.) funky family index sticky notes

Peeps, Have a look at some pictures below~ Enjoy!

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