Home FITH Amazing Five-Minute Exercises for a Healthy Spine

Amazing Five-Minute Exercises for a Healthy Spine

Amazing Five-Minute Exercises for a Healthy Spine

Long working hours, tiring days, less sleep, and there is so much more that makes us unhealthy on the inside and outside too. Back aches are one of the most common problems that many of us have to deal with, some because of the 9 to 5 jobs which ask us to be seated or standing for 8 hours straight and others because school, college and the rest for some unknown reasons. Here are some exercises which would help you have a healthy spine and stay away from too much back ache!

#1 On your back

  • To begin with, bend the right leg on your knee
  • And, stretch the left leg in a way so as to it is above your head. (meanwhile keep the right leg bent)
  • Clasp it with your hands and pull it towards you
  • Hold on for 30 seconds
  • Repeat the same with other leg

#2 On your knee

  • Lean on your right knee
  • Meanwhile, keep your left leg stretched
  • Hold on to the position for 30 seconds
  • Repeat alternatively

#3 On your side

  • Lie down on your back
  • Stretch both your arms to 90 degrees
  • Turn both your legs to the left (make sure you feel the pressure on your right side)
  • Hold on for 30 seconds
  • Repeat on the different side

#4 Knee fold


  • Lie down on your side
  • Pull your left leg to the back (on your knee)
  • Grasp your ankle with the left hand
  • Pull it up so that the muscles strain
  • Make sure your back remains straight
  • Hold on for 30 seconds
  • Repeat with different leg

#5 Arm exercise

  • Stand in front of the table (with one arm distance)
  • Bend your arms and reach out to the tables end
  • Bend your knee and stretch your back
  • Hold on for 10 seconds
  • Stand up and bend on both your sides for once (to relax)
  • Repeat again

#6 Cross leg

  • Lie down on your back
  • Bend your left knee a little
  • Cross your left leg with the right (your right leg on your left thigh)
  • The right leg must be at 90 degrees
  • Pull your left leg towards you
  • Hold on for 30 seconds
  • Repeat with the other leg


And these were a few exercises which won’t take more than 5 minutes each. If you follow them regularly, you will surely get rid of the nagging pain on your back.


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