Home Others 13 psychological tricks that help in communicating with anyone

13 psychological tricks that help in communicating with anyone


Sometimes we strike a wrong chord with someone, or feel uncomfortable to ask somebody about something.

Today, we will tell you the techniques which can help you build good relationships with anybody.

  1. If the answer doesn’t suit you — for example, the person you are talking to left something unsaid, wasn’t clear, or lied — don’t ask again. Instead, simply look silently and attentively into his or her eyes. This technique will get him or her cornered, and the person will be forced to continue his or her thoughts.
  2. If someone yells at you, make an effort to keep calm, staying absolutely impassive. The first reaction of a loudmouth is usually anger, which your behavior can provoke, but it will quickly subside. Then the next reaction will fade in — the sense of guilt for his or her defiant and aggressive behavior. Most likely, the insulter will be the first to ask for forgiveness.
  3. If you know that a person is going to criticize you (make comments or blame you), gather your courage and try to sit or stand beside him or her. In this case, the person will relent and say less negative things about you, than if you were at a distance.
  4. Eating meals is always associated with peace and security, so we eat at home, surrounded by our own walls, more often. That’s why, if you’re really worried, just chew some gum. It will trick your brain making the impression that you are eating and there is nothing to worry about, so you will feel more confident and relaxed after a while.
  5. An old and proven method being used by many students in exams. They imagine that a professor is their good and close friend, so they feel calmer, and it becomes easier for them to find right answers to the questions. This technique is effective in other situations as well. Try it before an important job interview!
  6. If everyone in a group starts laughing at once, everybody instinctively looks at the person who they like most, or with whom they want to get closer. Therefore, observe everyone’s eyes after a successful joke — you will learn a lot.
  7. Meeting someone, express a little more joy than usual towards the person. For example, smile sincerely or try to say his or her name gently and warmly. Over time, you will start referring much better to this person, and the pleasure of meeting will be sincere.
  8. If your work is connected to people, it’s possible to “force” them to behave more politely and kindly. Put a mirror behind your workplace, so your interlocutors will always see their reflections. As a rule, people always try to look their best in a mirror and don’t want to see themselves as evil nor harmful. So, they will smile more for sure!
  9. If you want to catch the attention of a person you like, stare at something directly behind his or her shoulders. Once you realize that you had caught the person’s sight, quickly look into his or her eyes and gently smile. It works flawlessly!
  10. In fact, we can control our stress. When you are very worried, you begin breathing deeper, and your heart starts pounding faster. Try to force yourself to breathe calmer and balance your heartbeat. Trust us — it’s in your power.
  11. In order to woo a person in your first meeting and get his or her sympathy, try to specify the color of his or her eyes when you meet. Eye contact always works effectively.
  12. Initially, raise the bar while declaring any requirements or terms. Most likely, a person won’t agree to them, and refuse. However, he or she would definitely agree on the actual terms that you would offer later. People tend to cave in to your smaller request if they have denied you something bigger before.
  13. People are drawn to those who are confident in themselves and their actions, so just show that you know what you are talking about (even if it’s not so).

Our mimicry is closely related to our emotions: we raise our eyebrows when we are touched and squint our eyes while crying. Conversely, our facial expressions affect our internal state, too. If you make a face similar to your crying face, it’s likely that tears will want to come out on their own. Use this ability with benefit — smile! Smile for no reason, and after a few seconds, your smile will become real and sincere!


Source: fashiony


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