Home Events World Organ Donation Day

World Organ Donation Day


World Organ Donation Day in India is celebrated on 13th of August every year by the people, government organizations and other related professions in order to motivate normal human beings to donate the organs as well as to understand the value of organ donation in the life of an individual. The organ donor can be anyone of which the organ can be transplanted to the patient urgently require. The organ donated by the normal human being is saved properly to transplant into the patient whenever he or she require. One can get the new life through the organ transplantation donated by someone.



Importance of Organ Donation

According to the report, at least more than 5 lakhs of the Indians are dying every year just because of the failure of their major functioning organs anytime. They still want to live their life as they are not fully satisfy with their life and want to live more but just because of the natural calamities they are unable to do so. The organ transplantation could play a major role in their beautiful life by increasing their period of living a life more than expectations. The donor of the organs plays a role of God in the life of organ transplanted person. One organ donor can save more than 8 lives in his life by donating his well function organs. The Organ Donation Day campaign, which is celebrated every year at August 13th, provides a great opportunity in everyone’s life to come ahead and pledge to donate their precious organs.

It’s the honor of medical researchers who had experimented for years with many failures for getting the successful results over the organ donation as well as organ transplantation in the life human beings. Finally they got the successful result over the crucial process of organ transplanting. The organs which can be successfully transmitted are kidneys, livers, Bone marrow, hearts, lungs, cornea, pancreases, small bowels through the medical treatments. The organs transplantation and donation both of the process can be successfully done because of the development of immuno-suppressive drugs which can increase the survival rate of organ recipients.

Because of the growth and development of the new technologies and therapies in the modern life, the need of the organ transplants is continuously increasing with the great extents which need more organ donation every year. Instead of availability of the great technologies and therapies the death rate has increased because of the shortage of transplant-able organs.


World Organ Donation Day: Objectives

  • To aware the people about the need of organ donation.
  • To distribute the messages of organ donation all over the country.
  • To remove the hesitations of the people about donating organs.
  • To say a grateful thanks to the donors of organs.
  • To motivate and encourage more people towards organ donation in their life.


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