Home Reviews Review – Smell well with Neesh!

Review – Smell well with Neesh!

Review - Smell well with Neesh!

Today I’m reviewing a very well known brand of perfumes “NEESH Perfumes”

Before proceeding further- I would like to share one thing about neesh. Whenever i open neesh box or any of it’s material like neesh lookbook, or packets believe me it smells so well that i can’t get over it.

I Got few Mild perfumes from Neesh which are listed below:-

  1. Zaafran E Hindustan 20Ml Pikpack
  2. Sultana 20ML Pikpack
  3. Rose E Mohabatt 20Ml Pikpack
  4. Oud de venice 20Ml Pikpack
  5. belle d oud 20ML PikpackIMG_2675IMG_2674IMG_2676IMG_2673IMG_2670Also, I Would recommend you to Buy these perfumes because:
    Neesh perfumes contains very high quality fragnances and last for 12 hours. Also they;re pikpacks fit in every pocket so they’re easy to carry.


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