Artscrafts’ three-day festival of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav made history by bringing numerous Indian talents under one roof. The festival was from 13th to 15th August 2022. Under the patronage of Indian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, Artscrafts has organized an amazing event that has touched every aspect of art. The beauty of the event was in the variety of events organized and performed as part of the celebrations. There were art competitions, exhibitions, art workshops, panel talks, Live Art, and kids’ programs every day. 

The event was inaugurated by Shri. Dhruv Mishra IFS, Second Secretary. The occasion was graced by the presence of many great personalities from the UAE social circle. The festival was packed with people from different walks of life and children who were keen to learn new art methods. Apart from artworks from India and UAE, there were also performing art concerts during the opening and closing ceremonies which added more color to the event. “All the artists including those who participated in the exhibition, conducted live art, workshops, and rangoli, everyone played a remarkable role in making this event a huge success. Our sponsors, support partners, hospitality partners, and media have been so keenly involved in making this event a memorable one. Above all, we are deeply indebted to the art fraternity that joined hands with us in making this event a huge success.” Says Mr. Anil Kejriwal, Founder, and CEO of Artscrafts.

 About nineteen artists participated in the Live art creating beautiful artworks to venerate India. Artists who participated in the Live painting session were watched with surprise as the audience got an opportunity to see the methods involved in the creative process. Sarans Guruvayoor created a 9X 5 feet painting depicting the seventy-five years of Indian history on a single canvas on Independence Day.

Panel Talk was another major highlight of the event.” Knowledge is meant to be shared and I couldn’t have asked for a better platform to share my views on protecting nature and life” remarked The Event Director Ar. Raisa Mariam Rajan who also presented a paper on Sustainable Art. Mrs. Vandana Sudhir shared the stage with other panelists and inspired the audience with her insightful words on creativity, womanhood, and self-expression “Empowering Women through Art”. “Little Artist with Artist” by Pari Sagar believes Freedom is the key to flourish. Dr Devisree CathARTsis The Ultimate Aesthetic Experience. Jasnoor KAUR Commercialzation of Art.

The “Heal your Heart” program, an art event intended to release repressed emotions through painting was a great success. “I could go back and relive my childhood through this workshop.” says a participant. 

Another major attraction of the exhibition was the live pottery made by Pranoti Karajgi. This attracted both adults and kids alike. Kids painted flags on day one and on day two they created live art to venerate their motherland. “These activities will help kids know more about India. We should sow the seeds of patriotism at a very young age to carve a generation of responsible citizens who could actively contribute to the growth of Mother India.” says Dr. Devisree S, Event Director.

The closing event of the three-day festival was presided over by H.E Sunjay Sudhir, Ambassador of India in UAE who expressed his happiness in the success of the event. He also exhorted the Artscrafts team to make it an annual event at the Embassy of India. The ambassador distributed awards to the best-chosen artists from the exhibition as well as the panel speakers from the event. Artists Anubha Kaw, Sathya Gauthaman, Elizabeth Davis, Vidya Ayyaswamy, Medha Nerurkar, Dr. Devisree S, Vijay Dhora, and Banani Kundu were felicitated with medals for creating the best artworks. Bhumika Ujjainkar, Helem T Rose, Sania Zehra,Parvathi Vineed and Nada Nurukjupparan and  Souparnika S Misha are among the best child artists.

Many eminent personalities like Mr. Mohan Jashanmal, Mr. Sharad Bhandari, Mr.Vinay Varma, Mr. Suhail Jashanmal, Mr.Ahmed Al Awadhi, and Mr. Ali Shiuja Al Afifi and Mr. Girish Pant (one of the patrons of Artscrafts), also shared the stage with the honorable ambassador, H.E Sunjay Sudhir, and Mrs. Vandana Sudhir. The artscrafts team has been lauded by the Embassy for their tireless efforts to make the festival a huge success. The three-day festival was organized under the leadership of Mr. Anil Kejriwal, Founder, and CEO, of Artscrafts. Mr. Sudheer Balakrishnan (Event Advisor), Mr. Atul Panase (Art Advisor), Ar. Raisa Mariam Rajan and Dr. Devisree S (Event Directors), Pallavi Bagore, Deepthi Gaur Mahindra (Chief Coordinators), Nilesh Bagore and Sandeep Mahindra (Tech Advisors), Amrit Singhania (Tech Expert) and Khushi Kejriwal (Marketing Lead) were the team behind Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav festival at the Embassy of India.


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