How are you feeling? Any discomfort, illness, or ailment getting in your way? I wouldn’t be surprised if there was at least one or two annoying issues distracting you from enjoying your life right now. Whether it’s a pounding headache or an unfortunate case of persistent smells, don’t go rushing to the drugstore just yet.
Don’t worry, I’m not trying to prolong your misery, I just know you probably already have what you need to cure whatever’s bugging you in your home already. These remedies might seem a little strange at first, but you can’t deny the impressive results.
1. Zap warts by covering them with duct tape.

It suffocates them and keeps them from growing even more effectively than freezing.
2. Keep your teeth bright with apples, carrots, and strawberries.

The texture of veggies can help remove stains while the malic acid in apples and strawberries help whiten enamel.
3. Fight bad breath with yogurt.

The cultures in yogurt will help battle the bad breath bacteria.
4. Cool down your migraine.

Place an ice pack on your head or behind your neck to help numb away the pain.
5. You can also try the pencil method.

Do NOT bite down on it. In fact, just let it rest in your mouth to keep you from causing more tension by unconsciously gnashing your teeth.
6. Rescue yourself from swimmer’s ear with vinegar and rubbing alcohol.

Use a one-to-one ratio of the ingredients and pour a tablespoon into the infected ear, then drain it back out. This will stop the growth of the painful bacteria and fungi.
7. Cool down your sunburn with black tea.

You’ll want to over-steep the tea until it’s almost black, then apply to the burnt areas once it’s cooled.
8. Don’t reach for the cranberry juice first when you have a UTI.

Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda into eight ounces of water to help give your bladder more alkaline, which will help reduce the bacteria that’s making you so uncomfortable.
9. Treat your smelly feet to a drink.

Or rubbing alcohol if your feet prefer a straight-edge lifestyle. The antiseptic agents will wipe away the odor.
10. Speaking of your feet, if they’re feeling sore pull out some tennis balls.

Not to play a round, but to step on and massage out the kinks.
11. Also, VapoRub will rid your toenails of icky fungus.

Simply apply it to the affected toe daily and cover with a bandage until the nail has cleared up.
12. Or if you just have pesky blisters, a dab of Listerine will do ya.

Soak a cotton ball in the mouthwash and apply it to the painful areas about three times a day until they’ve dried out.
13. Cure your corns and calluses by giving them something sweet.

Grind up a few licorice sticks, which contain an estrogen-like substance, and combine with 1/2 teaspoon of petroleum jelly. Rub this on your rough areas for smooth sailing.
14. Gargle away the common cold.

When you feel the common upper respiratory tract infection symptoms coming on, gargle plain water to keep it at bay.
15. Listen to your mother: eat chicken soup when you have a cold.

The classic remedy passed down over the generations helps fight the inflammation caused by the infection.
16. Offer your cold sores some warm tea.

Lemon balm tea, to be exact. Apply with a cotton ball once cooled and allow the antiviral properties to help calm down the sores.
17. Grab some olives or lemons for the road if you get carsick.

Nomming on some olives (or sucking on a lemon) will stop you from producing so much stomach-churning saliva.
18. Still nauseous when you get out of the car?

Grab some ginger chews. The powerful root is seriously helpful for any kind of upset stomach.
19. Chew gum to keep from chewing out annoying drivers.

Or in any other particularly stressful situation, as peppermint and cinnamon gum have been proven to calm your nerves.
20. Oil up your itchy skin.

For those suffering from eczema, a small teaspoon of oil can help satiate the scratches and reduce inflammation.