Home Others Wierd Ice-creams in the World

Wierd Ice-creams in the World

  1. Rose water ice-cream – The two brothers Mashti and Mehdi shirvani make really awesome ice- cream flavours at their shop. They make this by using flavours from Iran like saffron, cardamom, pomegranate and sahlab. Sold in Hollywood , California.rose water
  2. Sweet corn gelato – Think of something what you get when you take sweet corn and blend it with cream , sugar, sea salt and caramel, a delicious flavoured ice-cream. Sold in Atlantic city , NJ.sweet cornn
  3. Jack fruit ice-cream – Being Indian , you should go for it. The ice-cream really taste like the food stuffs. IT is sold in Chennai or Delhi .jackfruit
  4. Crocodile egg ice- cream – This unusual thing has been started in Davo city , Philippines. Here the creamy stuff is made from crocodile eggs instead of chicken eggs. Owner Bianca Dizo says crocodile eggs are more nutritious then chicken eggs.Crocodile-egg
  5. Breast milk ice- cream – Yes , the London Ice- cream shop, The Icecreamists made a change when they started selling breast milk ice cream named Baby Gaga.breast milk
  6. Bacon ice- cream –  The meaty ice cream flavour was created by experimental American cook and baker David Lebovitz, who candied strips of bacon using brown sugar before blending them with cinnamon, vanilla and a splash of dark rum.Bacon_ice
  7. Garlic ice-cream – Garlic flavoured ice-cream is an ideal treat for those that love those pungent little bulbs. while a touch of honey is often added to the recipe to bring out the natural sweetness of the garlic.garlic ice ceram


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