Home Others Skills That Impress Women

Skills That Impress Women

Be Attractive

First and foremost, the efforts that a man takes to improve his skills to impress himself, is the man that stands out. Trying to do something just to impress a woman means pretending. That’s a lie. Do things in which you are actually interested in and which does not comes out as a fake. Be honest.

Differences betwn dating a boy vs datin a man

  1. Confidence (lack of insecurity)2

Source: menxp

The most important thing to impress a woman is confidence. A man, who pursues his skills with confidence, is a man a woman is attracted to the most.

  1. Understanding and Listening3

Source: youqueen

Learn to listen to what she says and try to understand her. Make sure you know her side of the story before jumping on conclusions. If it shows her that you have really listened, this means you care enough and she will definitely give you a chance.

  1. Playing an instrument4


You don’t have to do much if you know which string to pull, get it. A musician or a guitar player making up a song for you and playing that song for you is the most romantic thing.

  1. Cooking5

Source: daily-sun.com

Every women is surprised to discover that a man can cook and he actually has some idea of what he is doing because, men cooking is so rare a thing. Also, it’s too charming to see a guy cook.

  1. Style and grooming6

Source: askmen

A well groomed man shows that he cares how he looks and that’s a plus point, believe me. A careless lazy guy, who can’t even take some efforts to make himself look presentable, cannot compete with a well dressed man. It goes as the saying; if you love yourself, then people will love you.

  1. Conversation7

Source: askmen

This may not strike you first when you start talking, but women are more attracted to men who are excellent communicators. If you are able to express yourself well and attentively listen to women with interest then you can cover up the lack in those above mentioned skills.


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