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Missing Colours in my Rainbow


I had heard a beautiful quote sometime back “Create your own Rainbow everyday” and to reach that point where you can have a beautiful view of your Rainbow you have to put up with the rain”*.

Life is like a Rainbow full of different sort of colours some we love some we adore, some we never want to let go of and some we wish, had never come to us.  some colors you keep waiting for and praying for all your life but then, that is life. But when seen together, it’s awesome. These colors signify the challanges and rewards that your life has in store for you. so today I had a Thought to introspect and retrospect the colors of my rainbow.


So let me start the Joyride of self exploring,  I have been lucky that I had a chance to study in different schools and colleges abroad, as my father used to work for ministry of external affairs. this gave me a lot of exposure, I got a chance to meet new people, see new places and learn their basic conversational language.

It was a great learning to know about their culture. I did my graduation in Manila, Philippines. I was in Manila for 4 years. this was my dad’s second posting and believe me, it was an eye opener,  this was totally another world I had reached. I am talking about early eighties,  I had never seen such huge and beautiful malls in my life, it was so inspiring to see girls wearing smart dresses with well done makeup working in mnc offices. And here I was, still in my teens feeling totally naive, ignorant and out of place. For the sole purpose of sticking to the topic let’s get to the point, So, till that day, I was always in a protected shell, very shy and introvert, in my own world. After a few months in Manila, I realised that day, that there is a world outside my comfort zone which I had never seen and never imagined. So this was the time when I actually caught hold of myself and started working towards my Rainbow. Everyone has a Rainbow in their lives and it depends on us which colors would be a part of our Rainbow?. That day I thanked God and my parents for giving me so much in my life, my rainbow already had beautiful colors, I only had to make it more colorful. I enrolled myself for Business Administration in women’s University and did my internship in a bank, did a few computer courses as I had a lot of free time in between my classes.  After getting back from Manila my dad was posted to Japan. As expected, this place was even much beautiful and advanced than Manila. I got my first job in Tokyo within a few days of reaching there. I learnt basic conversation in Japanese just to get along with Japanese people, who I was working with.


After that I came back to India, worked with a few multinationals for a few years and then got married, which was another beautiful colour that life had shown me, after that I gave birth to my darling Son and decided to quit working to take care of him. so when my son was a little grown up, I decided to do something to keep myself busy. I worked for a local Hindi channel as a news reader for a few months. After working as a new reader, I realised that there is a career in Voice Overs. I did my first voice over workshop in year 2000. Fast forward a few years, my husband got transferred to Mumbai and by now my son was studying in one of the best Business Colleges and I had the liberty of doing whatever I wanted. so I did workshops with well known names in the world of voice overs. World of voiceovers was a beautiful place to be. I had always wanted to use my voice to read poems, shayari, do audio books, narrations and life again had given me a chance to do all this. I am loving every minute of it.


Having said that, I still wake up everyday like there was something missing, as if, the most important piece of my heart was just not there.  Why do I still feel that one color is still missing from my rainbow!!!  Believe me it’s not a sad feeling, infact this feeling of wanting more, keeps me going. And I never want this need of an additional colour to end. I might sound little philosophical but I think this feeling of missing colour of my rainbow keeps me motivated to learn more.  So that I am never complacent and  I keep working towards a new missing piece in my Rainbow. And I think that’s how it should be. I am so grateful to God for everything.Today I choose to live with gratitude for the love that fills my heart, the peace that rests within my spirit, and a Voice  that says all things are possible.



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