The Bermuda Triangle is one of the world’s greatest mysteries. Many scientists have attempted to theorize what makes the place so dangerous, but one thing is certain–more planes and ships have disappeared there than anywhere else in the world. The Bermuda Triangle, also called the Devil’s Triangle takes up the space between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and the tip of Florida, in the Western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. People like to speculate many supernatural causes for the phenomenon such as alien activity or experiments.


  1. USS Pickering


The very first instance of disappearance within the Bermuda Triangle was in 1800. The USS Pickering, built in 1798 for the Revenue Cutter Service, was a topsail schooner in the United States Navy during the Quasi-War with France, and was on course from Guadeloupe to Delaware and got list with 90 people on board.

  1. Witchcraft, 1967


The coast guard got a call from Burrack, the owner of the Witchcraft, a 23-foot luxury cabin cruiser, saying his boat hit something. It wasn’t an emergency, they just required towing. They were not even a mile offshore. He also said that he would fire a flare to identify his position. The coast guard arrived at the location within 20 minutes but the ship was nowhere to be found and no flare was to be seen. A 1,200 square mile search was issued but nothing was ever found.

  1. Flight 19

Flight 19 was the title given to five TBM Avenger Torpedo Bombers that disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle on December 5 1945, during a training flight. All 14 men on the flight disappeared without a trace. During the search, a Martin Mariner Flying Boat also disappeared over the water and was never found. Flight 19 is one of the most well known Bermuda Triangle incidents and is the focus of the science fiction movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

  1. USS Cyclops


The USS Cyclops was a massive carrier ship that supplied fuel to the American fleet in World War I. On 8th January 1918 the ship set sail under the command of Lieutenant Commander Wally, heading towards Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. After arriving at Rio on January 28th, it docked for two week and then departed again heading for Baltimore. On the day of the departure, some 73 local sailors were asked to board the ship along with the American Representative General of Rio. Instead, of heading straight for Baltimore, Wally decided to stop off in Barbados to load up more cargo. On March 4th it set sail again, this time heading to Baltimore. It was never seen or heard of again. Despite extensive searches, no trace of the ship or its 309 passengers and crew were ever found.

  1. Trislander, 2008

On December 15, 2008 a British-Norman 3-engine Trislander took off from Santiago for New York with 12 people on board. Only 35 minutes after takeoff the airplane ascended and went off the radar. The US Coast Guard launched a massive search operation, but the airplane and its occupants were never seen again. Its last known location was about 4 miles west of West Caicos Island. This disappearance was the last one to take place in the Bermuda Triangle.



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