Every gentleman should understand the importance of taking what you’re genetically blessed with and running with it; knowing how to make the best out of yourself and appreciating that the power of being attractive is something that is within your control. There are,...
You of course know that the decisions you make affect your future.…But what a lot of guys don’t remember: It’s not just the big things (like going to college, getting married, and having children) that have a big impact… …it’s the seemingly tiny decisions you make...

8 Things She Secretly Loves

Now that we’ve discussed 8 Things Guys Secretly Love, we can’t forget the general theme of this blog – being chivalrous and romantic towards women. Striving to be better. Building healthier relationships. That being said, what are some things that...

8 Things Guys Secretly Love

Do you ever wish that guys would just OPEN UP more? It’s difficult to figure out what someone wants or enjoys if they won’t tell you! No matter how simple their desires may be, if you don’t know what...
Is it your first date? You’re maybe wondering how to make a perfect impression and make everything perfect. It’s not as hard as it may seem to be, all you have to do is plan every detail and relax. Here...
  Watch Christmas Movies It’s kind of a tradition at my place to watch Christmas movies on the Christmas Eve. I have listed some of my favorite movies I hope you will enjoy watching as well. Jingle All The Way ...
1. Your parents only want what is best for you. 2. You can’t change your body type. 3. Meditation actually works. 4. You aren’t fifteen anymore. 5. Talking about someone behind their back isn’t going to make you look any cooler. 6. You aren’t going...
Sometimes there are mixed signals as to if that guy from work, school, or on your block likes you. I mean, you are interested in him but don’t want to go off giving too strong a hint at a...
Women seem to be confused about what men are looking for in a modern relationship. According to out knowledge we have listed down some of the things that men really want in their relationships. This is from the point...
There are people you meet who, for no reason you can explain, you share a connection with on a deeper level than anyone else you've ever known. Whether you believe in the kind of a soul mate born from...