Home Events Expressive QIAF 2021 engrosses everyone.

Expressive QIAF 2021 engrosses everyone.


QIAF find innovative solution for showing art and welcome the artists from around the globe after the  pandemic. 

“Art inspires us to visit the concept of unity, vibrancy and see ourselves as a part of a bigger universe.” 

Art, a simple three-lettered word, has a broad definition. From photography, music, dance to painting,  everything is a genre of art. Creating something without words, something that speaks to people, art is a  language of its own. We see art everyday but how we see it is different. 

This was well experienced in the most awaited and vibrant festival happened in Doha, Qatar – QIAF. This  mega event was organized by MAPS International WLL in collaboration with Katara Cultural Village. 

QIAF was started in 2018 by Mrs. Rashmi Aggarwal, founder and president of MAPS International WLL.  This year marked its 3rd edition where over 300 artists from 65 different countries took part in this  mega event, showcasing their creativity. 

It is said that, “art lies at the heart of Doha.” The city is becoming a place where plethora of art related  activities take place every year. QIAF provides a good platform to the artists from all over the world to  showcase their work. The festival aims to introduce artists and promote their work to collectors, art Investors and potential buyers. 

QIAF 2021 was the bouquet of eight diverse artistic events and activities like Cultural Tour, Art  Exhibition, Live Painting Symposium, Artistic Fashion Show, Master classes, and much more. 

The mega event was inaugurated by His Excellency Prof Dr. Khalid bin Ibrahim Al Sulfite, General  Manager of Katara, Qatar. Adding beauty to the opening ceremony and making it a huge success, HRH  Princess Dr. Moradeun Ogunlana USA–Nigeria, attended the event along with many VIPs including  ambassadors, diplomats and representatives from Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, France, Japan, Kenya,  North Macedonia, Mexico, Philippines, Indonesia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Netherlands, Republic of  Algeria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Singapore, Tanzania, Ghana, Uruguay, Germany, Haiti, Paraguay, India,  Ukraine, El Salvador, Argentina, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, Spain, Dominican Republic, and Ghana. CEO of  Doha Bank Dr. Raghavan Seetharaman, Mr.PN Babu Rajan –President of Indian Cultural Centre with his  team, under the aegis of the embassy of India in Qatar, all directors, and many more distinguished  guests and dignitaries. It was a beautiful and very elegant inaugural. It’s true that “Successful events  don’t become that way overnight, it is the hard work and hustles over time.” 

Rashmi Aggarwal said, “This event is the outcome of a very dedicated team, which includes all Katara  Team and participating artists. I believe, everything is possible if you have a clear vision, strong planning  and hardworking team.” 

Art connects people and brings them together on one platform. This was well seen and experienced in  the beautifully organized five-day-long QIAF in the beautiful Katara Cultural Village, which is a hub of  creativity, art and culture. 

The event was followed by the cultural tour. Culture is the art elevated to a set of beliefs and exposure  to the arts and culture is enormously valuable. This was brilliantly experienced by the artists from all around the globe during the cultural tour of Doha organized by QIAF. After the pandemic this was a  wonderful way of meeting so many creative people on one platform. The whole day long tour, was Enjoyed by all artists around the city’s most iconic places like, National Museum of Qatar, Football  Stadium, Al Shaqb and also the most colorful market Souq Al Waqif. 

Day three was the most informative day of the festival. Started with seven master-classes by our  esteemed guests, the masters were: Mr. Abdulla Yousef Al Mulla from Qatar, Linnea Kathyrn Pergola  from USA, Masih Ahmad Ahmadi and Masoumeh Jahanbin Shalkouhi from Iran, Majd Mohammed  Ramadan from Lebanon and Ionnis Kaiserlis from Greece. The three hours of masterclasses were very  interesting and informative. 

The evening of the third day at QIAF 2021 was filled with cultural folkloric music performances. MAPS  International W.L.L. in collaboration with Katara Cultural Village organized a grand multicultural music  evening to capture the festive mood of the event. Opening performance of Sufi Ney Flute was done by  Neyzen Sinan Soyler from Turkey, followed by Indian cultural and folk performances. In the significant  year of the 75th year of Independent India, Indian community of Qatar presented colorful glimpses of  Indian culture with classical and folk performances as part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The  distinguished guests, artists and visitors were overjoyed at the cultural musical night. 

Fashion lovers also got an artistic dose at the festival. QIAF was really proud to have some of the most  extraordinary creators of art from around the globe. “You are artistically impressive and add a unique  zing and appeal to your art with fashion.” With this quote in mind, the evening saw a unique fashion  show by artists proudly showcasing their art. The show was held in the courtyard located at Katara. 

The closing ceremony of the mega event took place on the fifth day of the event at Katara. The event  was hosted by Ms. Yashvii Aggarwal, daughter of Rashmi Aggarwal. This young girl with beaming  confidence and elegance, hosted the event by saying that, “My mother is my role model who believes in  hard work and destiny, and I am following her footsteps.” 

All event ambassadors, gallery partners, and artists were awarded with beautiful mementos and  certificates. It was an emotional time for everyone. The 5 days long art festival came to end with the  motivational words by Mrs. Rashmi Aggarwal, “We have put our soul in every minute details to organize  this art festival. Art can bring us together; it inspires and soothes. “Culture makes us resilient. It gives us  hope and reminds us that we are all together.” 

The awards and certificates were given away in different categories. Katara Cultural Village was given  QIAF Partner Award. In the second category, the awards were given to several QIAF brand ambassadors  from Qatar, India, Global, Russia, Africa, UK, Switzerland, Lebanon, USA, Sweden, Turkey, and  Venezuela. 

In the QIAF Gallery Partner category, the awards were handed over to Arame Art Gallery, Gallery 2+, and  American University Beirut for seniors, Bingyol’s Armenian Auction House, Art Guest Agency, Funun  Arts, and Minoo Art Group.


-By Pari Sagar


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