Home Beauté BEAUTY… don’t hold it!

BEAUTY… don’t hold it!

BEAUTY... don’t hold it!

“Beauty- is a characteristic of an animal, idea, object, person or place that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction”. This is the exact definition google provides and PROBABLY it’ll work so for the coming years.

As we hear the word beauty, flawless skin, women with sharp features, perfect eyebrows, painted and decorated nails flashes into our mind.

Well, a flawless well- dressed person with not an ounce of the forge, an attractive colorful feathered bird, a massive animal and a faultless well explained idea is perfect.

We like to see what is unequaled and marvelous. We prefer everything which is an eye candy and like to keep it that way. “Own the prettiest” is the new anthem everyone secretly sings. Through external sources or uncountable tricks, we want the beauty, to remain. We wish to spot beauty everywhere and store it as a sign of perfection. Everyone has a different and reconstructed idea of beauty. But the organic or natural bits of definition is understood by few.

Are we setting a trap for a perfect picture? A huge web that enables only the appealing to stay. Methods through which we keep our charm for longer, keep the beautiful for longer.

There is a reason we grow the way we do! The nature curls or expands in a certain fashion which is unrefined and organic.   Neither editing nor preservation is required to define beauty in the true sense.

Raw is what is real, the wrinkles that pathways on faces are true. The experience gained from numerous falls are non -fictional. The cries behind the smiling faces have much more to express. The actual and the unprepared is what is the truth that exists everywhere hidden in the name of weakness. But these are the strengths and the scars that should be flaunted. This is the beauty, that makes each of us from whatsoever life offered us. Beauty is a relative term. Something which is fascinating to a person might not be for someone else. Nothing can be termed as not beautiful according to someone’s view because most of the beauty of any element or living being lies in the natural form. The real, raw and honest will only bring pleasure and satisfaction in this world.

And as we all know,

“Beauty- is a characteristic of an animal, idea, object, person or place that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction”. This is the exact definition google provides and INCREDIBLY it’ll work so for the coming years.

A flower when plucked tends to lose its smell and elegance after a while. It’s most safe and beautiful place is where it’s grown, its natural state that has given it, its beauty. If we try to hold or wear this beauty, it will lead to the wilting of the flower and the beauty will fade.


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