Home Business Things to do when planning an escape from an awful job

Things to do when planning an escape from an awful job

Things to do when planning an escape from an awful job

Stuck with an awful job and planning ways to escape? You cannot just walk out of your office, right? You need to plan your escape; that includes the resignation, a new job, some time off and various other things. Changing jobs is difficult and hence needs to be done with utmost care and of course some plan. Here are things you must definitely do when planning an escape:

  1. Work until you don’t find a new job: You don’t want to remain unemployed for the next couple of days or weeks or months, isn’t it? Therefore, until you do not find for yourself another job, keep working. Be normal and don’t make it obvious that you are going to leave!
  2. Make a note of the leave policy: You might still be having extra paid leaves which you can surely take advantage of and take a few days off. In case you are on the negative side, you might want to adjust it in order to save the deduction in last month’s salary. Make a note of your leaves and accordingly work it up.
  3. Manage your finances: This is something you should definitely take good care of. If you plan to take some time off before joining the new job, you better have your finances sorted. Before you begin with your new job, you will not want to worry about how one paycheck evolves into the other.
  4. Put your needs first: You will be able to serve people around you only when you put your own self first. Sure your salary supports your family, but at the same time your well being is equally important to be able to take good care of them. After all, only when your lifestyle is happy will your job go smoothly, but at the same time vice versa is also equally true.
  5. Pull up your socks: Meanwhile making the change of job, you might as well want to work up on the skills which can show better on your resume. Your previous job experience shall count as a major skill as you are expected to be good at what you have already done earlier. Next, all your certificates and your resume must be up to date so that you are well ahead of the day before haywire preparation.
  6. Vacation: You might very well want to go on a vacation before you join the next job. A small trip with your family or with friends will prove to be a boaster after you get back to your job!

So now you know exactly, what are the things you must take care of before planning the escape! Besides job hunting, there are many other things you might want to take care of!



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