Home Others National father in law day

National father in law day


National Father-In-Law Day is observed annually on July 30.  As the name suggests this day is dedicated to your spouse’s father; your father-in-law.

The old people in the family are actually the tradition carriers and often teach us many lessons in life. Spending time with them, celebrating small things would bring a smile to their face and consequently happiness to the family. A parent-in-law is a person who has a legal affinity with another by being the parent of the other’s spouse. They are an integral part of our family along with being our sole inspiration and motivation sources. In a completely new home and environment, they provide us with the warmth and love we used to get from our parents.

Source: etsy.com

It is assumed that the greeting card industry is the originator of this day like its counterpart the Mother-in-Law Day. Maybe it could’ve been an attempt to show ones love for their father in law or probably another profit making policy.
Since, your father-in-law is the man who has brought up your spouse well and healthy, you can always show him your appreciation by spending time with him, sending him a greeting card or gather the whole family and celebrate a party in his honor.

Father-in-Law Day is a wonderful occasion for you to strengthen your relationship and to spend quality time with your father-in-law, because let’s face it, he won’t be around forever. This is your opportunity to break through your father-in-law’s tough exterior. Chances are he might be a bit grumpy, intimidating or quite scary sometimes, and who wouldn’t be if they had to put up with your mother-in-law all day, right? But jokes apart unless you have their hand on your head you’re never alone or weak.

Father-in-Law Day is much more than a family obligation, it is a day when you can show just how much you care, bond with your father-in-law, and tell him how right he was to push his son into marrying you.
There are numerous ways of turning this day into a special one. This could be a day of golfing, hiking, playing cards, going to a movie, drinking tea on the back deck, fishing, having lunch, stopping at the pub for a beer or anything you enjoy doing together.

If your father-in-law is no longer living, remember him in a special way.
Its never ever a bad idea to spare some time for your elders and make them happy by gifting them something, probably the things they need time to time. Keep them happy and see the change in the aura of the family.


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