Home ART Miracles Happen!

Miracles Happen!


February is all about St. Valentine’s Day – filled with love, joy and happiness. But while we focus on this one particular day of affection and gratitude, we need to remember that life is all about celebration. We are living emotional beings on this planet. In fact, every day we can celebrate. I understand life is not a straight line. It has its thick and thin moments. The moment we believe everything is okay and worst is over. Life throws another curve ball. 

But deep down if you believe in faith… Miracles happen!

I had several incidents in my life where I had was faced with tests and trials in my surroundings.  But I only understood that I needed to never lose hope. The important thing you can do for yourself is to start journaling. Ask questions to your own self. What, When, Where, How and Why you want things to be. I believe when your “Why factor is strong you will want to make it happen, whether it is regarding losing weight, studying hard or achieving your long set goals. 

If you are internally unable to align with your goal, look for mentor to help guide you. Confidence, support and positivity will align your mind to your goals.

When I reflect back and critically think about myself in the past, I realized I had more complaints than anyone else. In fact, I was more focused on feeling sorry for my problems than identifying solutions. The solutions came when I stopped complaining. Being a traditional artist and jumping into the unknown world of digital art was a challenge to me. In 2020 when I wanted to illustrate my numerology book, I created my illustration by hand physically, which was not enough because I wanted my work to be appealing on digital platforms as well. Thanks to my daughter who gifted me an iPad on my birthday, I redesigned all my hand drawing illustration digitally. That’s how I got hooked into digital art.

The biggest lesson I learnt and understood was to have fun while developing my skills! I told myself, “Hey Pari! Don’t be so serious about the things which didn’t work according to your thoughts. Just work on mastering your skills and sharpening them.  Things will fall into its place when you are ready.” 

Recently, I was called by Delhi Private School Sharjah for Confluence 2021- 22 for International Digital Art Competition. I was chosen to give them a workshop and be the judge of this competition. Again, I began to wonder how I will give a workshop to these intelligent teenagers who have already enrolled themselves to this competition. But believe me, I prepared myself to share my knowledge to these young and talented artists. Experience is the biggest teacher of all and I had loads of it! To my surprise, all the contestants were from different schools and grouped themselves online. They had amazing team work.  After 2020, life has made me evolve and dive into a digital landscape. I have learnt to interact and express myself virtually thanks to my will to learn new technology.

Sometimes people believe that you need money to learn skills from professionals. But nowadays everything is available online, whether it be YouTube or any other website. Unlearning the old ways and stepping into a new world can be challenge but trust me if you have fun you will be willing to learn more. Be creative with how you learn and enjoy the process!



Instagram @parisagarart



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