Home ART Irrational Art Exhibition

Irrational Art Exhibition


The “IRRATIONALITY” group art show curated by Dubai-based Indian artist Swapnil Jawale and founder of The Creative Cubes opens at Dubai International Art Center (DIAC) – Gallery 76 on the weekend 6th June 23.

The Creative Cubes is a project driven by love for art and fueled by unwavering dedication. It was born out of a deep passion for celebrating individuality in an era dominated by mass production. In a world where the quality of art is often compromised, The Creative Cubes aims to showcase art pieces that stand the test of time. Today marks another significant step in their journey towards achieving this goal. 

Jawale believes that art possesses a mysterious, delusional, and weird nature. It embodies irrationality. While we often seek logical solutions in various aspects of life, sometimes the answer lies in embracing creativity that defies rationality. Artistic solutions cannot always be distilled into patterns of reasoning or easily expressed in words—they simply work, almost like magic.


In our quest to understand and appreciate art, we often attempt to analyze it through mathematical lenses. We strive to explain why things work and attempt to fit the beauty of nature and life into mathematical models. We yearn for algorithms to govern the world, yet we frequently fail to question the very essence of things in the first place.

The irrationality of art often unsettles and intimidates people. When faced with something that cannot be explained, there is a tendency to assume it is somehow lacking. However, delving into what we cannot comprehend is the key to unveiling the true beauty of human expression. That is the essence of art.

The exhibition features artworks presented by UAE-based artists aligned with the vision of having art forms under impressionism, constructivism, abstract, and contemporary. Including conceptual installation art. The exhibition showcases artworks by talented UAE-based artists who align with the vision of “The Creative Cubes”. The art forms range from impressionism, constructivism, abstract, to contemporary, including conceptual installation art.

 We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the participating artists: Anasuya Patra, Debra J Mascarenhan, Defne Atalay, Hina Asad, Isabelle Neves, Lavanya Varma, Leena Kewlani, Lipika Das, Luca De Rham, Maher Hashash, Mariam Ashraf, Mario Curtis, Meena Dasani, Meena Meher, Meeran Nasir, Meetu Garg, Naglaa Mahdi, Onareen Ferdinand, Pari Sagar, Pietro Castaldo, Pragya Baid, Raviendra Parkhi, Rooma Eejaz, Sandeep Soni, Samishka Jawale, Dr. Sharmila Tupule, Shiba Khan, Shrutika Gosavi, and Srirupa Bose. These artists are pushing the boundaries of contemporary art and exploring new artistic territories.

The exhibition was inaugurated by esteemed guests Mr. Abdul Qader Al Rais and Mr. Faisal Abdul Qadi, accompanied by Mr. Mohammed Ali The event also had the guest of honor Mr. Ahmad Al Awadhi (Rukni), Mr. Atul Panse, Mr. Peter Gressman, and Anjani Prakash Laitu. 

The exhibition is on display for 6 days this week until 16th June 23, from 10 am to 8 pm at Dubai International Art Center.

Email: thecreativecubes25@gmail.com





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