The Body Will Give You These 10 Signs If Your Kidney Is In Danger

The Body Will Give You These 10 Signs If Your Kidney Is In Danger

Your kidneys are one of the smallest organs in your body, but they have one of the biggest jobs—they filter out all of the toxins you encounter every day. In fact, your kidneys must filter 20-150 quarts of blood just to produce 1 to 2 quarts of urine, which is composed of wastes and extra fluids. Each of your kidneys has...

4 Signs She’s Worth Marrying


  Let's showcase a few qualities I believe men should take into consideration when facing the question of marriage. Last summer, My wife and I had the treat of spending 24 hours in Lake Tahoe with 5 couples, celebrating their 20th wedding anniversaries. I took this as an opportunity to ask some serious questions. Their answers helped form my list below. ...

Changing face of Institution of Marriage.


Marriage, probably one of the oldest Institutions, has always been regarded as the most sacred of all relationships between a man and a woman. In the context of Indian Hindu marriage, the importance of ‘Saat Pheras’ as the seven rounds along the holy fire has been considered the union for seven births of a husband and his wife. The ingredients...

7 Unexpected Signs You’re a Lot More Successful Than You Think


  You cultivate good habits- Changing your lifestyle to being a productive person is a sign of success. Working a little bit hard every day to achieve your goal or even the smallest thing as to reach on time for work is a good habit to follow in life. Good health is also essential while working towards success. These small...

10 Reasons Nice Bosses Finish First

10 Reasons Nice Bosses Finish First

Many bosses assume that a leader needs to be aloof and tough on employees in order to be effective. They fear that looking “soft” will erode their employee’s motivation and respect for them. To prove their case, they cite examples of brilliant leaders who modeled a tough leadership style and low emotional intelligence, such as Steve Jobs, who berated...


Be Attractive

Age is just a number for many, but the process of aging takes a toll on all of us, at some point or the other. Aging may manifest itself in different forms in both men and women. Maintaining strong bone health, breast health and high-energy levels is very imperative for women who have crossed a certain age mark. A large...

Do These 5 Things Every Day to Live Longer


What if the secret to a longer life could be boiled down to five simple steps? Harvard Medical School professor Sanjiv Chopra, MD, believes it can. In his new book, The Big Five, Dr. Chopra outlines a handful of habits with benefits backed by decades of research. For the majority of people, he writes, making these behaviors part of your...

6 Ways to Boost Your Immune System as You Age

6 Ways to Boost Your Immune System as You Age

Your immune system’s role is to actively fight infections and illness in order to keep you healthy. But as you get older, your immune system changes, making it more difficult to fight off a cold or beat back the flu, according to the National Institute on Aging. This means that, as you age, you may get sick more often....

5 Surprising Things That Manipulate Your Moods Every Day


Most people would like to believe they have a basic grasp on why they feel what they feel. As always, we're here to inform you that what you believe is wrong. Your emotions are dictated by the outside world in ways you might find bizarre and shocking. For example ... 5. Making a Person Feel "Bigger" Turns Them into a...

5 Habits of Happy and Successful People


Happy people are often successful people and vice versa--but how do you know if you are a happy successful person? And if you know that you are currently not one or both of those things, how can you become a happy and successful? Here are 5 simple habits of happy and people successful people: 1. Make Your Bed Every Morning Can...