25 Ways To Be A Better Man Even If You Can’t Be A Perfect One

25 Ways To Be A Better Man Even If You Can’t Be A Perfect...

As always, there are improvements to be made. The truth is that no matter how many things we alter in our lives, we will...
Natural beauty skincare with skin18

Natural beauty skincare with skin18

So about Today’s blog- In Collaboration with SKIN18,I’m Going to share with you the Mask which SKIN18 sent me in my mailbox!:D 1.) The Animalian...

5 Things Men Fear Most About Aging

Worried about getting old? Who isn't -- except perhaps those who are already unmistakably there. Survey after survey shows the elderly are more content...

Tips to lose belly fat: The four step guide!

No matter how thin you are, belly fat spares none, isn't it? And so, here I have brought before you a four step easy...

Uses of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one thing which has cures for almost all our skin care, hair care or health care needs. Aloe Vera is indeed...
Life Hacks That Will Make You Happier and More Successful

Life Hacks That Will Make You Happier and More Successful

For good reason, there were a few familiar reoccurring answers, but what surprised us was the number of unusual submissions that were particularly clever....
15 Ways to Boost Your Memory in Your 30s, 40s, 50s, and Beyond

15 Ways to Boost Your Memory in Your 30s, 40s, 50s, and Beyond

Cant find your keys … again? Whether your momentary memory loss is linked to doing too many things at once or just a bad...

30 Different Ways To Tie a Tie Every Man Should Know

Here is a list of many different ways to tie a tie, for every and any occasion, many of which you probably never knew...

Senior Health and Fitness Day

National senior health and fitness day is celebrated to promote fitness awareness amongst the older citizens of the country. It is held every year...

Brothers Day – Quotes and Greetings

It isn’t only all the women who need the pampering; men also deserve to be made felt special on small little occasions. A man...