Consumption of bread has increased, whether it is white or whole grain. We have always heard white breads are not healthy and fitness freaks of today are definitely avoiding breads in general, white, brown or whole grain, while the...
Want to dip your toes in the entrepreneurial waters by freelancing while keeping your full-time job? You're not alone--countless other people do too. But how? Here's a guest post from Ryan Robinson, an entrepreneur and marketer who teaches people how to create...
You don’t always land up in a job which you love, but to survive and to pay those bills, you need to work; whether or not you love your job. Until you are offered your dream job, you will...
Hey! It’s International Picnic Day! Each year it is been celebrated at the 18th of June. It’s a reason to get out of the house and celebrate summer with friends and family. It is a day where you can...
Staying fit or maintaining your shape is very difficult, especially when you have so many delicious options now a days to choose from. But luckily for us, it’s a technology based generation and we have all kinds of apps...
My OOTD- how to carry yourself in cool and comfy way this summer, This blog is special i’m creating a look by combining three brands together! Yes these three are so cool? I Paired Sunny day T-shirt which is exactly...
Spirituality can predominantly be integrated with the element of higher self. It invokes the feeling of a heavenly connection, enlightenment & devotion, a quiet time for contemplation giving way for a cosmic connection & deep significance to our life… Fashion...
Working with a group of new people and need some conversation starters? Break the ice and get to know people better by selecting several of these get-to-know-you questions. Who is your hero? If you could live anywhere, where would...
A healthy outside starts from the inside. Our body is a reflection of not only what we look like or think but also of what we physically consume. Its important for one to monitor both his/her eatery as well...
Long working hours, tiring days, less sleep, and there is so much more that makes us unhealthy on the inside and outside too. Back aches are one of the most common problems that many of us have to deal...