With the arrival of 2017, it's that time again when our thoughts tend to turn towards resolutions and bettering ourselves. But rather than setting overly-ambitious goals, why not focus on learning a skill that will help keep you motivated...
Here’s what they are: 1. Be together for the right reasons Don’t ever be with someone because someone else pressured you to. I got married the first time because I was raised Catholic and that’s what you were supposed to do....
  1. Exfoliate dry lips for a smoother lipstick application with a clean, disposable mascara wand. Just apply a balm over your mouth first to give your lips some slip, so it's easier to slough away any flaky skin. 2. Keep...
  We live in a fast paced, noisy world.  Some of that noise is really negative and discouraging.  Whenever I catch the news, it’s a reminder about why I often skip the news!  Social media is both a blessing and...
Still rocking a rotation of hair down, in a bun held together by two pencils, and a side braid? Us too, and it’s about time we mix things up! We’ve scoured the web for the hottest summer hairstyles, from...
Trust Karan Johar to be on top of trends, parental and otherwise. Joining celebrities like Beyoncé and George Clooney, Karan Johar has just become father to fraternal twins by surrogacy. Mumbai Mirror reports that the director has named his...
  Although How To Start a Business Without Any Money was published in 2012 (a lifetime ago in our frenetic, tech-driven existence), the book is aging gracefully and still remains relevant today. Written by former Sunday Times enterprise editor Rachel...
It's hard to break bad fueling habits if you don't even know they're problematic. That's why people repeat the same mistakes. "A lot of cyclists form bad habits because they don't think about food," says Suzanne Girard Eberle, a sports...
If you're like us, you might sometimes have a problem with complex tasks, like trying to drive an ambulance and send a text message at the same time. But hey, at least most of us have figured out the...
A famous quote “Enjoy the little things in life, for one day when you look back, you will realize they were the big things” by Robert Brault, has always been my favorite one and has sunk in deeply in...