As An Actor

“Acting deals with very delecate emotions . It is not putting up a mask . Each time an actor acts he does not hide , he exposes himself .“     An actor is a person who gives life to an  imaginary...

Proud to be a woman!

In my journey through life, I have experienced several situations which have made me feel enriched and inspired. So, I would like to share one such incident that has left a lasting and deep impression on my mind. As a...


There is a very well-known quote in hindi by Kabir Dass: Kaal Kare So Aaj Kar, Aaj Kare So ab, Pal Mein Pralaya Hoyegi, Bahuri Karoge Kab Means Tomorrows work do today, today's work now. If the moment is lost, how will...
“Human Voice is the Organ of the Soul.” Human Voice is wonderful and is indeed the organ of the soul! How beautifully said by H W Longfellow- “Soul of man is audible but not visible. A sound alone betrays...
I had done treks earlier but my last trek was more than 4 years ago. So on that Friday, when Amit asked me, if I would like to join him and his friends for a trek on the coming...
"Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the lord and shun evil". As it has been seen that maximum of people sacrifices health to earn wealth and at the end of life instead of enjoying that wealth, people starts...
Just as in the west Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet epitomises young-love-thwarted, in the Indian Subcontinent it is symbolised by the story of Heer and Ranjha. Heer Ranjha is one of several popular tragic romances of Punjab.There are several poetic...
I had heard a beautiful quote sometime back "Create your own Rainbow everyday" and to reach that point where you can have a beautiful view of your Rainbow you have to put up with the rain"*. Lovely isn't it!! Life...
*Mr./Miss/Mrs. Enigma International 2019 held in Pattaya* Deepak Chaturvedi Enigma Event Management Co has successfully completed his one more Grand Fashion show Contest title "ENIGMA MR / MISS / MRS INDIA INTERNATIONAL 2019 AT MUMBAI MAGIC CLUB PATTAYA ( BANGKOK)...

As an Actor

“Acting deals with very delecate emotions . It is not putting up a mask . Each time an actor acts he does not hide , he exposes himself .“ An actor is a person who gives life to an  imaginary...