Home Tech-Byte History of Epic Technologies

History of Epic Technologies

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Technologies have changed and a lot has transformed over the years. For all the times we have Googled our queries or for that matter have been in constant contact to someone in ways other than calls. A lot has evolved in terms of technologies and hence here we are with some of them:

Tracking and locating got easy with GPS

It was in May 2000 when GPS got mainstream and devices having GPS locators enabled into them would help locate and track people and places. However, before that, the public signals had been kept degraded due to security issues in the US.

This system was originally developed to be an aid in the military as a satellite based system to keep updated with the data. It was only after an announcement made in the White House that the location access got 10 times more accurate in comparison to earlier.

It is after gradual changes and growth that GPS has enabled us to locate nearby ATMs, gas stations, etc.

Google came like a boss!

Larry Page and Sergey Brin has come up with Google in 1998 and it was only in 2004 when the company sold shares to public for the very first time which in turn made searching a way of life.

Other web services such as Yahoo, Microsoft MSN and the latest of all Bing also let us do the search; however, Google remains to form a major part of the search market .

Google has all kind of information available at just a click.

When instant messaging took over!

It was in the October 2000 when AT&T became the first to introduce texting in the US on mobile phones. It is indeed one of the most widely used applications for data in the world allowing users to exchange messages over their phones.

It was as early as June 2000 when 12.2 million text messages were shared monthly! The figure only increased to 135.2 billion messages per month during June 2009.

It seemed to have quite a mixed effect on the people at large!

Wikipedia came into the large picture

In January 2001, Wikipedia; the online Encyclopaedia became the reference site for the maximum amount of people. However, no one knew that this would have been a game changer in the world of user generated data.

Then in 2005 came YouTube which also added to the pop culture and of course all the influence it has over social media.

These were some epic technologies or ways of life that have incorporated into our daily life over the years! All of them indeed have had major significance in our lives, changing and altering the way we perform.


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