Home Fitness Positive Sides Of Lockdown

Positive Sides Of Lockdown


I asked one of friends’ mothers as how she is feeling during Lockdown Situation. I was expecting she would curse the situation but her answer of few words “I am very happy as all my children are with me” shocked me from within and gave me lots of dimension of thinking.


It is true that for mother the best thing is that her children are in front of her, especially during the situation while we feel danger at doorstep.


Frankly speaking, are we doing our part to be with our parents, even when we are locked-in during 24×7?


During our all-time busy schedule many of us ignored our parents. We even forgot how to take care of them. Since years they are watching us going out early morning and coming back during late hours. Every morning they feel like to talk to us or expect us to talk to them, but seeing us always in hurry they stay keep quiet and wait till we come back.  But again when we come back late we look too tired and we don’t have time to sit with our parents. Similarly, on weekends we usually go out with our wife and children and again they keep on waiting for us to come back and sit together to talk – the same routine repeats and their waiting period extends till their last day of life.


During this situation when entire world is fighting with pandemic, all youth are busy cursing the lockdown situation or surfing different modes of internet; and children are missing their playground and friends; but our mothers are happy seeing us STAY HOME STAY SAFE.


Although we are praying to stay safe with this deadly virus but we should also thanks it that we got the opportunity to live the life once again with our family members, understand their unheard words and unsaid speeches, figure out their hidden sacrifices for us and sparkling gaze when we are with them, especially with our mothers.


The millennium-threshold-born generation has seen lots of worldly changes in their life and their Parents’ journey for livelihood and struggle for our better upbringings.


Thanks to God and our parents’ blessings we are living a far better peaceful life unlike our elders. Our parents have seen the journey from lantern to LED but in the worldly illumination they know we ignored them but they never complain, although they lost their shine and glaze while fulfilling our unwanted happiness.


We should dedicate our lockdown period to our parents who are still alive, sit with them, enjoy meals with them, talk to them and care for them – give them importance and compensate the lost period while ignoring due to our busy schedule. For the parents who are departed from this world we should remember them and share our parents’ memories with our family members or next generations.


To All Mothers – We Salute You For Your Sacrifices and Love


– Dr Rahil Khan


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