Home Others 20 Signs You’ve Evolved As A Person

20 Signs You’ve Evolved As A Person


There are striking differences between evolved and conscious people and non-evolved, non-conscious people.

Becoming evolved is a process that begins with a conscious awakening. After the awakening, you can no longer go back to the person you once were. As you dive deeper into your personal growth, you’ll see evidences that you evolved and changed.

Below I have listed 20 signs that prove you have evolved as a person:

1. The Foundation: You know who you are

According to psychological identity theory, there are four stages of identity development. At stage one, you have no identity. You blindly accept whatever ideology or values system was taught by your parents or family members.

At stage two, you begin expanding your social circle, but you passively go with the flow of society without questioning. You lack authenticity and obsess over fitting in and pleasing others. Like stage one: no true identity.

At stage three, you begin to experience an identity crisis. You realize you’ve been faking, copying, and blindly following your entire life. You begin to question your choices and values. This leads you to explore new lifestyles, belief systems, choices, friends, and cultures.

However, at this stage there is little commitment and depth. Instead, it is endless searching for the next thing. Most people are stuck in a perpetual identity crisis. They have no clue who they really are.

At stage four, you have courageously voyaged through your identity crisis and autonomously committed to a particular identity (i.e., ideology, occupation, relational values, etc.). You continue to explore. However, this exploration is grounded on foundational beliefs and a clear sense of who you are and what your direction is in life.

Moving forward, I will define an evolved person as someone who has achieved their identity.

2. You know what you want

As an evolved person, you commit to a certain path in life. You know what you want in life. You have direction. One of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is—Begin with the end in mind. In all things, there are two creations: The mental creation and the physical creation.

You can design your ideal destiny and consistently move toward it without getting thrown off course—because you’re committed. Endless exploration is over. You’re ready to go deep and far.

3. You feel like you’re where you’re supposed to be

As an evolved person, you feel a higher sense of purpose in your life, like you’ve been guided. You are in the right place and on the right path. This is more than a mere belief—but a spiritual confirmation. You are aligned with your highest self and manifesting the life you were meant to live.

4. You believe you are in control of the outcomes in your life

As an evolved person, you have what psychologist call an internal locus of control. You, not external factors, control your life. You believe you are responsible, and thus have power to create whatever future you want.

5. Your life is set up on your own terms

As an evolved person, you are no longer reactive to other people’s agendas. Every moment of each day is spent doing what you want to do. You are doing the work you love. You are spending time with people you want to be with. You are making the amount of money you want. You are in control of your schedule. Your schedule doesn’t govern you.

6. Your life is more simple

As an evolved person, you have simplified your life. There is an art in slowing down and smelling the flowers. You’re not racing through life. You’re present. You prefer experiences over stuff. You’ve removed everything from your life that distracts you from your highest purpose. Everything in your life makes sense being there. It’s purposeful.

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”. – Leonardo Da Vinci

7. Your goals become manifest quickly after you set them

As an evolved person, you are connected to your higher source. You’ve learned how to create the results you want quickly—often instantaneously. You believe it, and quickly you see it. As Ralph Waldo Emerson has said, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”

8. You attract the right people into your life

As an evolved person, you attract the right people into your life. You are moving toward a huge vision and the needed connections and mentors always seem to show up right when you need them. As Buddha has said, “When the student is ready the teacher will appear.”

9. You expect luck/miracles to happen often

As an evolved person, you expect luck and miracles to happen in your life. This is your natural state of mind. Things will work out. Rare opportunities will present themselves. You expect it, believe it, and see it. In fact, from an evolved perspective, miracles are the norm. To not experience miracles frequently in your life shows you’re disconnected from yourself and your higher source.

10. You set aside time every day to ponder and meditate

As an evolved person, you go out of your way to be alone. For example, Sara Blakey, CEO of Spanx, only lives five minutes from her office. However, she purposefully drives an extended 45 minute commute to work simply to provide the time and space to think. This is the same for tons of creatives. They chunk out time every day to ponder, meditate, pray, and reflect. This is where inspiration and breakthroughs happen.

11. You’re highly selective with your time

As an evolved person, you say “No,” to most invitations and opportunities. As Jim Collins has explained in Good to Great, you realize that one-in-a-million opportunities happen every day. You’re not seduced by these distractions. Your time is only spent on things that truly matter to you.

12. You do things everyday to create the future you desire

As an evolved person, you don’t procrastinate action. You’ve moved from dreamer to doer. Every single day is spent actually building the future you want to live in.

13. You feel a gap between yourself and those you used to associate

As an evolved person, you feel a gaping chasm between yourself and the people you used to spend time with. This is perhaps one of the saddest parts of becoming evolved, and one of the hardest. At some point in every evolved person’s journey, they had to disband themselves from people who pulled them down. However, once they did, it wasn’t long before they were nothing like their old friends.

14. You seek change constantly

As an evolved person, you embrace and seek change constantly. You love transformation. You love having your paradigm shattered. You love cultivating new habits. You love engaging in new things that challenge you because you love growth.

15. You find joy in taking risks

As an evolved person, you feel alive when taking leaps of faith. You love that moment when you’re about to do something that utterly terrifies you. You know that you’re attempting something that most people would never consider.

“When we stop taking risks, we stop living.” – Robin Sharma

16. You notice truth hidden in everything

As an evolved person, you notice subtle truth and connections in everything, while watching movies, having conversations, driving in your car. Life is your teacher. You are deeply connected to the universe and are sensitive to even the smallest connections and lessons.

17. You’re conscious about what you eat

As an evolved person, you see yourself as a holistic being. Every aspect of your life impacts the whole. Consequently, you are aware that the food in your body impacts your mind, emotions, spirit, relationships, and everything else.

18. You care more about other people—but less about what they think of you

As an evolved person, you care intensely about other people’s wellbeing. However, you no longer care what other people think about you. Other people’s perceptions no longer govern you. As Martha Graham has said, “What people in the world think of you is really none of your business.”

19. You no longer compare yourself with others

As an evolved person, you no longer compare yourself or compete with others. Having a sense of unique identity, you realize that no one else can do the work you are intended to do. You have your own unique mission in life that only you can do. So there’s no reason to copy other people. There is no competition. You are an innovator.

20. You Genuinely want the best for others

As an evolved person, you are happy when other people succeed and sad when other people fail. The success of others is seen as the success of the whole. You genuinely want what’s best for everyone—even those you would consider your enemies. You only have love for every person on earth. No hatred, envy, or guile.

Evolved people change the world. They live happier, simpler, and more productive lives. The best part is, as you grow in consciousness, you can see these evidences in your life—confirming you are becoming the person you were meant to be.

Source: thoughtcatalog.com


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