Aah! The word best friend brings a smile to our face. The one person who knows you better than you, who is there to support you, make your life easier and laugh at you at the same time. We keep...
Now this question can have lot many answers. But to state in few words, an MBA course provides you with: Business studies theory, Case studies and A platform to discuss everything related to business (i.e., information, theory and ideas). Still...
Though the Earth needs protection on 365 days of the year, because it is every single day that we human beasts never leave a chance to cause harm to Mother Nature. Having done our part on not tolerating illegal wildlife...
Working out in the morning can be a struggle. We all know it’s good for us but waking up in this heat and leaving that bed and cool AC air can be hard. So here are some of our...
Whether a guy is just starting to date a woman or is in a committed relationship with her, there are small things that she may do without thinking twice that guys secretly love. While there are many, here are eight...
At least since a decade now, there has been a visible surge in the number of people wanting to be fit, be more active, defy ageing & look n feel good at any age!.. & it goes without saying...
Every couple of years has some significant improvement attached to it. There were some years that were marked by rise of IT, then there was one with rise of smart devices and now there is a time marked with...
As always, there are improvements to be made. The truth is that no matter how many things we alter in our lives, we will never be perfect men. We will make mistakes, give in to our weaknesses and stumble backwards...
So about Today’s blog- In Collaboration with SKIN18,I’m Going to share with you the Mask which SKIN18 sent me in my mailbox!:D 1.) The Animalian mask Sheep 2.)Red ginseng white clean active mask 3.)Fresh fruit green tea mask Complimentary Gifts- Luke hydrogel eye...
Worried about getting old? Who isn't -- except perhaps those who are already unmistakably there. Survey after survey shows the elderly are more content with life, less depressed, and less fearful of death than the young. "I'm a lot more sanguine...