Home Others 5 skills young entrepreneurs can learn from Lord Krishna

5 skills young entrepreneurs can learn from Lord Krishna

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‘For the one who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends, but for the one who has failed to do so; his very mind will be his greatest enemy.’

This is one of the powerful statement Lord Krishna said while sharing teaching of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna. Interestingly, this statement which was relevant then makes a lot of sense even today. The only difference is that the lessons of this preaching must be picked up by young entrepreneurs, who we see as today’s Arjuna. On the eve of Janamashhtami, which marks the birthday of Lord Krishna, today, we bring to you few lessons that young entrepreneurs can learn from him.

The very first formula that strikes the chord is their realistic and grounded approach. There are many stories about Lord Krishna who spent his childhood days in a village and later embraced ‘kingship’ clearly suggest how he stay rooted to the ground even when he had the whole world in his hands.

We have all heard the epic Sudama and Krishna’s friendship tale. Such a true companionship rarely exist nowadays, but if entrepreneurs can adapt this quality even partly, they would surely win over many friends who will stick with them through their thick and thin.
Krishna was a teacher, an artist, a warrior, a preacher, an ocean of knowledge, a learner, a lover and a master of all those traits of which he was supposed to be. To attain success, you too should master certain specific traits of an entrepreneur: the fighter, the problem solver, the knowledge-seeker, and most importantly, the risk-taker.
3Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma phaleshou kada chana,
Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani.
Just focus on what you have to do and don’t bother about the consequences. Right or wrong, no matter. Just trust your instincts and go ahead.
Beginning from his childhood days, Krishna was a great communicator; we all have heard tales of his mischievous yet smart doings. He knew what it takes to convince people and sell your ideas. This is precisely what every entrepreneur should master as well.
Source: Business Insider


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