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8 Things She Secretly Loves


Now that we’ve discussed 8 Things Guys Secretly Love, we can’t forget the general theme of this blog – being chivalrous and romantic towards women. Striving to be better. Building healthier relationships.

That being said, what are some things that you may not realize make as big of an impact as they do?

Here are eight things that she secretly loves.


Good morning texts.

A good morning text first thing doesn’t just say “good morning” – it says “you’re the first person I thought of when I woke up today.”

Small romantic acts aren’t just for the “honeymoon phase” of your relationship. Consistency is key.

Hint: This includes goodnight texts, too.

Play with her hair if you’re laying together on the couch or in bed.

Just do it. Trust me.

Remember details.

When you remember small details about your conversations, whether it be her usual coffee order or when she’s going out for girls’ night, it will let her know that you really pay attention and hear her when she talks.

Plus, it will give you gift ideas for future occasions if you know what she loves.

Hint: Putting your phone down helps with this one.


Watch her favorite TV show or movie with her.

This will show her that you are willing to share in what she enjoys even if it’s not your first choice. Plus, you might find something new that you like without expecting it. Win/win.

Put your hand on the small of her back when introducing her to someone.

This is something I read a long time ago and it stuck with me for some reason. This is a passive sign of affection and isn’t inappropriate in a public setting, but it bonds the two of you together and helps her feel more comfortable.

When you keep your promises.

If you want her trust, you need to deserve it. A woman will instantly start losing faith in you the second you start to break your word, even if it’s something small like if you’re going to call her after work.

Integrity is hard to find these days, for both men and women. She won’t believe you if you tell her you’re different, you need to show her.


When you’re honest with her.

Of course, honesty has to be delivered with tact and kindness. Nobody wants to be hurt, but they don’t want to be lied to either. If you’re always honest, she will know that you’re trustworthy and that you respect her enough to be straightforward with her.

The last thing you want is her doubting everything you say because you once lied to her.

When you’re funny.

If you want to keep a woman’s attention, manners are important. Good looks are a bonus, but having humor is a must. Don’t take my word for it, Stanford University says women genetically prefer funny men.

Okay, you caught me, some of these aren’t a secret. But sometimes, we don’t think to talk about the really small things in a relationship and one partner may not realize what the other appreciates without them saying it out loud.


Source: jamesmsama.com


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