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Your way to Healthy and beautiful Life

Your way to Healthy and beautiful Life

What to eat for Dinner?

This is the biggest dilemma faced by people who want to lose weight.

You have made it throughout the day with your low-calorie breakfast, lunch and mid-day snacks and now you are not in a mood to disrupt your whole diet with a bad dinner meal. But after a long and hectic day at work, you need a quick and healthy recipe to satisfy and please your taste buds, so that you can curl up in your pyjamas in front of your tv.

This blog has everything to sort your healthy dinner and workout dilemmas, I have piled up few easy and low-fat recipes to save your time and money along with a small number of daily workouts that you can conveniently manage with your hectic schedule.

Low-Fat Recipes

Masala Papad (Papad Salad)

Crispy papad (wafer) topped with assorted veggies

Add finely chopped onion, tomatoes, cucumber, fresh Cilantro along with salt and pepper. Roast some papad according to your need and spread the mix on it. and you are ready to enjoy this refreshing meal.

Nachos and Corn Salad

Prepare a mix of your favourite chopped veggies like bell peppers, onions, tomatoes etc along with salsa and low-fat mayonnaise. Add fresh sweet corn and crunchy tortilla nachos.

Lettuce Veggie Wrap

Fill your fresh lettuce leaves with your favourite vegetable mix and add few drops of lemon to give it an appetizing taste.

And at the end, always remember to take your meals and enjoy them because skipping a meal will only lead to weakness and nothing else. Thus, gain some energy to get prepared for next day workouts.

Following your dinner diet with an energizing workout will uplift your day and mood to a greater height, here are some of the workouts you can manage without hitting the gym every day.

Jogging and Skipping

Duration: Jogging – 10 minutes, Skipping – 5 minutes

Crunches and Push-ups

Duration: 60 seconds each.


Duration: 60 seconds


Duration: 120 Seconds

Jumping Jacks

Duration: 60 seconds

Include these techniques in your daily schedule, after all a home workout plan eliminates the excuses and provides a time-efficient and cost-effective way to fit a daily workout into your demanding schedule.

So, follow these simple steps to make your way to healthy and beautiful life…

till then stay happy and healthy!!

WRITTEN BY: Astha Chhangani

Image Source: Pinterest, Google Images






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