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Voice- Soul’s Expression


“Human Voice is the Organ of the Soul.” Human Voice is wonderful and is indeed the organ of the soul! How beautifully said by H W Longfellow- “Soul of man is audible but not visible. A sound alone betrays the flowing of the eternal fountain, invisible to man.” First time I realised that – Voice can be so sacred, therapeutic and spiritual- when I got associated with Viva Voice Academy. I had been with Viva for more than a year now.
My understanding of Voice had been very limited though I had been in the teaching profession for more than two decades now. I knew to the extent that it is key aspect for those who are in the film industry, theatre artists, news readers, RJs, Voice over artists, motivational speakers, anchors and story tellers. It also includes people who really wish to hone their language skills with diction and expressions. I too entered Viva keeping these things in mind, and more so to improve my Hindi language skills and modulations, hoping to explore my prospects in the area of storytelling. But my experience of Voice training had been very different and unique at Viva Voice Academy.

Viva- Cute Boutique setup Reading Session Expert Session
I still vividly remember my first interface with Viva and Vandanaji, Founder of Viva Voice Academy. I still cherish those memories- a very cute little place with a boutique kind of setup and I was welcomed with a big hug. I observed all kind of students coming from diverse backgrounds sitting on the floor and reading, memorising their scripts with full concentration and focus. I could feel the environment emanating a magical aura and I felt something getting deep into my inner soul. It gave a very beautiful feeling within me which cannot be expressed in words. I had a brief interaction with Vandanaji in her very informal cabin and she mentioned some students with special needs were also part of her Voice training and they have been great performers on stage. I could not believe it initially, but over the period of time I realised Vandanaji’ s healing touch with her beautiful voice can simply be miraculous on anyone who comes in her warm embrace. I found something in her and her voice very divinely. It comes in her out of utmost love, devotion and passion with which she is reaching others. I describe Vandanaji’s personality – “The Voice so sweet, the words so fair, as some soft chime had stroked the air; and though the sound had parted thence, still left an echo in the sense”- Benjamin Jonson.


Vandanaji in action inspiring her students with her sweet & lovely Voice
Using one’s voice effectively lies in its power to transform, motivate and inspire people and leave a lasting impression. To reach that level one has to put in consistent and dedicated effort to reach the masses and leave a lasting impact. Definitely Viva Voice Academy under the benevolent leadership of Vandanaji is doing a great service in inspiring and motivating others in their search for inner voice talent.
Viva Voice Academy with its high value add Voice training process covers aspects like Voice modulations, expressions, pitch, improvisations and exploring emotions. These are key aspects not only which makes the person Voice perfect but also it grooms the overall personality of an individual. Viva Voice Academy believes in continual learning – “Once a student of Viva is always a student of Viva. Viva has entry but no exit.”

Vandanaji with our Special Children Rocking Stars of Viva
Karvaan is one of the flagship event of Viva Voice Academy showcasing the Voice talents of the graduating students. It is organized in grand manner where each student has to give a solo performance on stage and are judged by the renowned celebrity judges in the field. The most unique part of this performance platform is all students irrespective of their age, education, differently abled whether mentally or physically all have to compete with one another with similar kind of performance script allocated to them. Competition is open with no discrimination and the training and practice sessions too remain the same. Students performing in the event undergo rigorous training and practice sessions under the dedicated direction & effort of Vandanaji. The final product in the form of performance on the stage holds the audience spell bound. I have seen tears rolling out of the eyes of parents whose child has not spoken a word and has given a solo performance for half an hour. This is simply miraculous & soul stirring, this can happen only in Viva.

Mesmerizing Performance by Viva Students in Karvaan Event

I would like to conclude with Stephen Covey’s 8th Habit of Highly Successful people-“Find your Voice & inspire others to find theirs.” Voice can be discovered at the level where talents, passions and needs intersects. Viva Voice Academy is one such strong force which facilitates you to discover your beautiful Voice within and take you to the next level of self-awareness and achievement.

Founder, Mentor, Guru Ms.Vandana Sengupta embracing All with Love & Warmth
Vandanaji is a leader par excellence who can inspire others to discover their own inner voice talents. I would say in the words of Stephen Covey – “She is a Spiritual being on a Human journey rather than a Human being in a Spiritual journey.” Mission statement of Viva always inspires me to inspire others- “I Love my Voice.”


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