Home Others 50 Tiny Things Every 20-Something Needs To Realize

50 Tiny Things Every 20-Something Needs To Realize


1. Your parents only want what is best for you.

2. You can’t change your body type.

3. Meditation actually works.

4. You aren’t fifteen anymore.

5. Talking about someone behind their back isn’t going to make you look any cooler.

6. You aren’t going to have the same friends that you did when you were six. And that’s ok.

7. People grow apart.

8. Just because someone tells you they love you, doesn’t mean they will mean it forever.

9. When you find love, don’t run away.

10. Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

11. You are not as alone as you think.

12. Making a mistake is not the end of the world.

13. You’re allowed to quit a job you hate.

14. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.

15. Sex gets better.

16. Travel while you are young.

17. Heartbreak is a universal feeling. And it’s not going to kill you despite what you might think.

18. Trust your gut.

19. You have to work at what you want. It’s not going to come to you.

20. Don’t get back with your ex.

21. Crying doesn’t make you weak.

22. You’re allowed to feel lost at this age.

23. You’re allowed to not know what the heck you are doing.

24. Work hard in school. It will be worth it.

25. Don’t let people who treat you badly back into your life just out of comfort.

26. When you say, ‘I love you’, mean it.

27. Your dream career may not be what you are going to do for the rest of your life.

28. Your dream guy/girl may not be who you end up with.

29. Online dating isn’t something to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.

30. Love is always going to be beautiful.

31. Mental health isn’t something to joke about.

32. You’re allowed to drop everything and travel.

33. You are still so, so young.

34. You will probably have a quarter-life crisis one of these days, but I promise you, you will survive it.

35. Block your ex on every social media platform. Trust me.

36. If you are in love with someone, tell them.

37. Make mistakes. And then learn from them instead of beating yourself up about it.

38. Follow your own advice.

39. If you really want something, chase after it until you get it.

40. Being kind goes a long way.

41. Know your worth.

42. Don’t let people treat like you like a little kid.

43. How you see yourself is so important.

44. You can’t hide from your problems.

45. Tell the truth and come clean if you mess up. Don’t hide.

46. Grades don’t mean a thing in the real world.

47. Worrying more will not do anything to help you.

48. You need to surround yourself with people that make you feel good about yourself, not people that bring you down.

49. Don’t ever take anything for granted, especially the people who you love.

50. Say ‘I love you‘ as much as you can. 

Source: www.thoughtcatalog.com


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